in voilk •  5 months ago

    9 Years Already!

    I wouldn't say that I was born with a golden or even silver spoon. Oh yes, I remembered my mom telling me sometime ago about the things that occurred at the time she gave birth to me. My dad wasn't around, she just had my elder brother then who was 4 years old at that time.
    My mom was a nursery teacher who taught in one of the primary schools that was roughly 7 miles away from home and she walked most times. As at the time i was to come out, i didn't stress her so much sha, just 3 days and before you knew it i was out😌 moving forward to my dedication, the picture of it i saw and asked my mom why i didn't put on any shoes? No money to get me one was her reply. I didn't feel sad(not that i had any reason to) Life at the time i heard this story wasn't so good as well so it didn't make any difference at least, not until i was 8 years old.


    Things drastically made a positive U-turn for my family and i. We could eat well, cloth and live a proper comfortable life that any average human would desire. As a child, I went to one of the best secondary schools in lagos Nigeria, life was beautiful and being a young girl I imagined as we refer to as a picture -perfect life. I was in JSS3 then( commonly known as grade 9) in my mind, i would be done with secondary school in 3 years time, then travel abroad to further my education, finish school, get married at 25 and probably should have been done with childbirth before 30 and then life continues!
    So ask me how market? as my country people calls it.(Incase if you didn't understand it's the same as Afar, how did it go e.t.c) Life dealt badly with us. It all started on our last visit to Dubai, I wouldn't want to go into too much detail in order not to bore you too much.



    The Dubai trip ought to last for a month but was cut shorted to 2 weeks(in hell i call it) My dad was called from Nigeria on how his fuel station got burnt, at same time his workers were arrested, also same time, his other fuel station was robbed, in same week, his newly paid product was hijacked by someone else in same field as him. At that point, my dad felt sick and we had to return to Nigeria as soon as we could. In the process of trying to repair things and get on track again, my dad ran into debt. We sold all properties, home and abroad. I stopped school for a while because my parents couldn't afford my fees anymore, it was all back to square one.



    The only property we had left was our duplex which was yet to be completed. Actually, it wasn't fit for a stay at the time we moved in but we couldn't stay homeless and we moved in. We were there for a while, with God's help, i completed my secondary school which lessen the burden for my parents, so much happened along the line, some i myself have no explanation to it was a experience you wouldn't want to know.
    Before we knew it, my dad sold our uncompleted duplex, agreed by my mom with the plan of renting a house and starting a business again with the money made from the house. Unknowingly to us, our duplex was already a collateral for one of the debts and we were left with just 1.5million naira, out of almost 30 million. We took on it, from which we bail my dad out from police custody and settle accommodation and food stuff for a family of 7, we couldn't go on with the business plans anymore and life had no pity, it became more and more and more difficult for my family and i.
    I've quite said a lot, but also not a lot. All my plans for school in my dreamland ended in dreams, well simply because I am already more than the age I presumed to be done with schooling. Life has taught me so much dear readers. I talk older than my age sometimes due to life experience and it's been 9 years already. I wouldn't say we are used to life’s hardship because we're definitely not; rather we'll continue on with the process adding more pressure till the light turns back on.


    The greatest lesson I've learned so far is life has a mind of its would never give you what you want and what it gives is the opposite of your desires. However, it expects you to take action on it. Life's believes it won't be interesting if we always get what we want and therefore enjoys a fair fight. i take all of what happened as a privilege, yes in my opinion, not everyone gets the opportunity to enjoy both the smooth and rough sides of life, I've learnt a lot and still learning while going through the process and am grateful for grace to have a story like mine and the beautiful height am gradually approaching with every step with assurance of a good life.

    Thanks for stopping by once again🙏


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