How My Day Went, Lessons Learned And Problems Encountered.

in voilk •  6 days ago

    Great day to everyone and I really hope that your day went well so far upto this point.


    ---No matter what always be grateful for what you have, how small or big it is.

    It's Thursday again and this week started with greatness since I was able to do good for my family again.

    My morning was busy as a bee since I did something very important for us to survive for another day or weeks.
    I mentioned in my past blogs that we already have our new gas tank and got it refilled but to our surprise that it went out too early.
    We don't know yet the problem, if it's the tank itself of the stove we're using.

    Since that's the case, we ran out of gas so I had no choice but to look for some firewood that can be use until I have the funds to refill the gas tank.

    My time yesterday is not that early as before due to the reason that we don't have many customers in the morning so our manager told me to just go to our shop by 10 am.
    I was so happy since the timing was just great and that gave me the opportunity to do what is needed to be done.

    I told my father to cut down the Ipil-Ipil tree at the farm already since they will sold the farm anyway so atleast we can use the trees that's been there and took cared.
    He cut it down the other day and yesterday we went to get it and bring it home.
    Together with him and my cousin who took pictures of me just to show you how we did it.

    After its been brought down, he divided it into portions with equally measurements on each etched into it.


    I'm the one who carried all of the equally divided portions of the tree back to our home which is more than a 200 meter.


    We finished transporting those logs and we rested a little bit before I divided it into pieces using an axe.


    Ofcourse my father helped me by cutting the logs into small parts and I'm the one who do the hard one.


    It's easy to do it since I'm used to it already. Back then when I'm just 10 to 14 years old, together with my late grandfather we do the gathering of firewoods in the nearby forest.



    That's the axe I'm using and those are the product of our efforts. These firewoods can last upto a week only and it's really hard to find some today since I have work now. I can only do it in my free time just like this one but that's not a problem.

    As they said, if you want to do it then there's always a way.


    After I finished all of that, I began to fix myself and my things then I went to work already.

    On my way to work I noticed something that's been in our tricycle for a long time.


    It's a panda stuff toy and it's hanging there saying hello to passengers like me everyday. I just thought of taking a picture of it as a remembrance.

    I arrived at the shop and there's a lot of customers already. Most of the orders were in our Espresso series so I did most of them then my workmate focused to other orders.


    Look at that, 9 iced coffees in our espresso series and 1 iced matcha latte.
    Customers were coming one after another and were glad to serve their favorite drinks in our menu to satisfy their cravings.

    It's so hot inside the shop that's why some customers were complaining and we resolved it one by one by putting electric fans in their areas.

    That kind of complains always happen here since our aircon was not functioning properly these past days and it's cleaning has been scheduled already but some customers just can't understand it and keep on spouting nonsense without trying to consider what is really happening.

    In this kind of industry you need a lot of patience for really and don't let your emotion consume you, if that happens you're done.

    The bad atmosphere inside the shop went to great when the sun was about to set already and it created a scenery here in our shop. I took my phone and hurriedly took pictures of it.


    That time our customers left already that's why I got a good shot together with our saying here at the shop.

    At the end of the day it rained very hard till night and it made our shop free of customers at night.


    As you can see in the picture that I took. It made a pond again in front of our shop.

    And that's ho my day yesterday went. I hope you had a great Wednesday too.

    Thank you for reading.

    -Cheers to life...

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