ePayTraffic Paid For Performance - February 1, 2024

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Currently completed 291 page views and will complete some more during my evaluation of some features. Every 10 pages, the Performance Points image is shown and ready to be clicked to acknowledge your performance point achievement. I circled a few surf page footer links that can be checked out while surfing. But first, lets see what happens when you do click the Performance Points image.

    The snippet below, is our Performance Ad Viewer. The viewer shows 11 125x125 banners. When you click on these banners, you are claiming them for a potential prize. The border color changes to match the color you set in your configuration settings. Note, that I am showing where I claimed the completed Row 2 and the link Claim 100 Performance Ad Views. You create your own Performance Ad campaign from the trading dashboard and you assign the views to your ad campaign.

    In the next snippet, you see the leaderboard displayed in the surfing frame when you click the Leaders button in the footer bar. You can see the Performance Ad Impressions/Views earned by surfers. You see Member Quality Scorecard(MQS) points earned today. You earn MQS points to give you access to more features. For example, 100 MQS points are needed to activate your trading account access. Note, you can see the average time per page viewed.

    In the following snippet, you are viewing member surfing performance.

    Time to continue some surfing and plan for some improvements. Be on the lookout for my next ePayTraffic Paid For Performance blog.

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