Splinterlands 6 Year Anniversary | A Really Long Ride

in voilk •  2 months ago

    6 years.jpeg

    Wow it is 6 good years already and it really felt like yesterday when my favourite game on hive came into existence, back in the days when we knew it as steemmonster and now splinterlands, 6 years of awesomeness, strategic battles, victory coupled with rewards, airdrops and so on, I will clock 5years on splinterland next month and I'm really glad I didn't missed out on the offer 5years ago or join late, it might have been hard catching up with the necessary details to get the game going. Discovering the game wasn't that hard back then, I was really finding my way around and trying my possible best to make research on different stuff I came about and I was trying to build my foundation in crypto/finance then, I joined the Neoxian community around that time too and I saw the citizen talking about their gameplay, I jumped into the discussion to know what is going on, got the vital details I needed and I was left to source for the starter pack fee of 10$.

    Someone offer to pay 40% if I register using his link and I did, from there I had to use the starter card to find my way around the game which wasn't easy at first, I had to understand the various element, summoners, ruleset, identifying my monsters cards and strategies to use, I really lost a lot of battle back in the days with little wins, it was really hard to the extend that there is no rental system back then, you only get cards by buying them or if you have someone to delegate to you , things get tougher when they start introducing new card set which brought sone changes to the whole system every time, creating the renting section make things more easier for everyone, you don't need to buy bunch of cards before playing the game as long as you have the fund to rent the cards that you need to battle with and also rent some staked sps.

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    I can't even count the amount of stuff I have achieve while playing the game and most of my reward went back into purchasing the required cards that I need and still need to have a smooth game running, I also try reaching the championship league with 4812 as my highest rating but that is really hard to reach nowadays especially with my average deck but recently I have been lurking around championship 3 which is really cool to me and I know with time, once I get some certain cards into my deck I will be up to the task again, currently, I'm waiting for the next update to increase the leaderboard reward to. 200 instead of the normal 50, time to get into the competition once again.

    With the glint reward system and the glint we earn from battle reward, I'm really looking forward to the day I will max my soul bound reward deck especially the rare summoners and legendary cards, using the gladiators can really make the battle more competitive. My major advice to most newbies is to first of all familiarise themselves with the tutorial section which enlighten them about the whole gameplay ranging from the cards/summoner, element, rarity, abilities and how to place your card formation, then they can make use of the splintercards site to get more details about the rulesets and possible strategy to use in certain ruleset (the dos and don'ts) which is really important. Also making use of peakmonster site to rent which is more easy and straightforward. One other thing while learning all this, check out the top battles section to see what the top players are using during their rulesets, watching their battles can give you some head starts and insight on what to actually do. Hope you have fun while playing the game.


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