Emerging autumn orchids in Seven Mile Beach NP : February 24 2024

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Big rain overnight. Wake to a cloudy cooler day with full cloud. Made a big difference to hot and humid. Did get the recumbent bike set up - photo shared yesterday. Did try to ride - one fall had me keen to get out on the upright bike

    Rode to the track in the middle of Seven Mile Beach NP - walked down to beach in pursuit of autumn orchids - nodding greenhoods

    It is mushroom season

    First acianthus orchid leaves of the season

    Australian native violet

    The matching leaves

    Wrinkly mushrooms

    Not sure what this grows into - the lobelia were nearby

    Like this close

    Aftermath of the big storm the day before. Impressed that the track had been reopened

    Acianthus orchid leaf a size bigger

    Next cluster of greenhood leaves - more in each cluster than last season

    Undescribed species - seem to see them each visit

    Twining glycine

    Been a challenge to get these in focus - got this one at last

    Fire ant protecting its turf

    More greenhoods

    Surprised to find these budding - dipodium variegatum. Everywhere else are finished

    Larger scale mushroom

    Budding acianthus orchid - first for the season

    Two makes a party

    Wandering jew flower twins

    A cluster of mushrooms - maybe time to learn about them - plenty as summer flows into autumn

    Close up

    Walked to the beach - looking north to Gerroa

    A cluster of different mushrooms on the way back

    Found a few new clusters of greenhood orchids on the way back - detail searching pays. Going to be a great season

    Close up - third leaf unfolding - some time to budding - one more lead at least to go

    Detail searching unearths other stuff - weevil - looks like a rhinoceros

    New cluster at the foot of a big tree

    Checked the side track. The few greenhood clusters have many more plants than last season

    Good to out riding. Two orchids found budding - one for season past and one for season new. And it did not rain

    Evening plan was to cook bbq at a friend's house. My had sourced and prepared a few vege dishes. All I had to do was cook on their BBQ. Came out better than the last few - focus on timing and great ingredients is the lesson

    Was a nice evening sitting outside - my favourite place

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

    Cycling, Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking

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