Redefining Wealth: What Would I Do with a Million Dollars?

in voilk •  6 months ago

    edited using Canva. Image by Astrid Schmid from Pixabay

    Nowadays I've seen plenty of people arguing that 10 million dollars aren't enough to retire and live rest of the life without caring about money, my dream is making my first million before I turn 30 years old.

    There are still a lot of years and last three years have gone like too fast and I'm not anywhere close to 1% of that dream.

    I can do a lot like a lot of things only if I've a million dollar net worth and I'm sure it's more than enough to retire and live rest of the life without caring about money. I'd prove this point of mine ahead in this blog and will tell what I'd do with a million dollar.

    Things I'd do with a Million Dollars

    My struggling days taught me one thing for sure and that's the use of money, knowing when and where to spend money is a quality of mine.

    I've been spending days and nights working for one thing that's the CONDO aka house.. I'll spend the first money from one million dollar to purchase a house and surprise my mom.

    Image by Pexels from Pixabay

    A lavish house where I live do cost about $50k-$100k after spending on that I'll still have $900K and less things to spend those money on.

    At this point of life I'm tired of living in a rented home and paying rents every month.

    Statistics says I'm living in the cheapest country in the world (Pakistan) and as a citizen I can tell it's not cheap at all, the wages are too low and inflation is doing worse so it can be only true "if you're a millionaire" than it's possible to live quality life and can even retire in just $1 million.

    Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

    I'd also purchase a car and it doesn't mean it should be fancy like Porsche or bugatti.. just a comfortable with enough space for family.

    Maybe I'll Get Marry first

    One million dollar is like your life is settle if you're living where I'm and a house, a car and than what else could be next big step in life other than marrying?

    I don't have any wild fantasies about marriage and the woman I think I'd love to spend my life will be one with mindset like we can grow together from zero to a million and million to up.

    I'd keep half of my net worth in Assets

    I don't have wish to spend on liabilities, it's all needs over wants and being disciplined when it comes to spending money.

    I'd keep at least 50% from one million dollar in assets be it Bitcoin, real estate and other stocks or commodities.

    Image by WorldSpectrum from Pixabay

    Hold those assets long term and keep adding profit back into it. The point is I won't let money sit and d nothing...they should make passive and give returns over the time.

    Also i have a dream to help as much as people I can when I'm capable to do.. with that much money.. I'd donate myself to the right people (one-day hopefully).

    Wrapping Up...

    Also This one question I've seen majority of people ask: "why this billionaire is still making money and getting rich when he have enough money that his upcoming generations can live without any trouble?".

    It's not about sending message/prove someone or greediness but the fact is you don't want to feel useless, people don't retire as long as their body is capable to do work. It is simply because they do enjoy doing that work, making money and living in your own little world.

    In the end that's all I want to do when I'll have one million dollars, not much since I'm not materialistic person. I just need to fulfil the responsibility and needs as a son and than someone husband and father in the future and I'll call it a life, if I somehow see myself alive in next ten years.

    This is my submission for #februaryinleo writing prompts initiative. You can check out prompts and more details in this post.


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    All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 02/02/2024.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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