in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello beautiful people. I know the headline sounds cheeky, that's just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more in store. Granted, there is no one who knows a lot about marriage, it is either you know your own experience or from what you see.

    Even marriage counselor who think they know a lot do not, they just use their experiences to create a journal, no two marital experiences are the same, because there would be something different about each one. There would be something unique about each one as well.

    Here are a few open secrets.

    - Make money.

    Marriage without money is trouble. It is better the husband makes more than the wife in most cases but if that's not the case, the wife should always make it seem like he does, she can accept money from him and add her own even if she is the one doing more. She should not flaunt money in his face, there is so thing that changes in the ego dynamic immediately that happens.

    - Understand that women are wired differently.

    Discussing with a woman is different from asking her opinion to take, note that when it's a discussion, she will tell you her opinion casually, but when you actually ask her, she will still tell you her opinion but expect you to take it seriously.


    Women learn to defer to men, she knows what to do, but she will still ask you, what should I do, tell her to do what she already wants to do. Emphasize it like it's your great idea but let it be hers. Add some spin to it like, add some grammar to it, make it larger and more grandiose, she will accept it.

    - Ask for the alternative.

    Your spouse is wise enough to have options, so always ask, if not this, what then, what is the other option.

    You will see how intelligently, they will come up with so many options and you will be amazed by their reasoning. This also helps you flesh out your choices before making a decision, your spouse will feel involved, in the end, choose what your spouse likes more.

    It doesn't even matter if you do it at all, but the fact that your spouse feel involved is beautiful and they know that you value their opinion so much you took the time to seek for it.

    - Find ways to make more money.

    It's beginning to sound like a broken record but you see, love is sweet but the taste of love is embossed when you have money to spend on it. It is much better as a man to make money and it is best for you and your wife to jointly make money, if you have found a secret to wealth, teach your wife, teach all those around you so that when you want to travel for a vacation, you can all go as a family without worry about how many people are coming and how many people are in the company.

    - Help out with chores.

    We know for sure that people have all kinds of hot takes on how chores should be done and who should do it. If you are both busy, then both of you should equally put effort to make sure the chores aren't overwhelming for anyone, if your wife is babysitting, do the dishes, if its the other way around, babysit. Your family is more important than the news and football.

    The fact that you are physically present when your spouse is work is like you are both doing it even if you didn't lift a finger, but the gist, and the fun of it is that you are present. As she is making egusi, give her some hot gossip and tell her what you saw...


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