January Rant In A Nutshell

in voilk •  6 months ago

    Today marks the first of a new month and many of us are glad because the month of January is over. Some are glad because it’s a new month which means a new pay, other because they wanted to start something new, for some it might be because their birthday is around the corner. Well in a nutshell, we are all happy that January is over and we all have our different reasons to be happy.

    Image source from Unsplash then designed on canvas.

    If I’m to think back again from the beginning of January, was it really a good month? Did I experience any bad thing in the month of January? What is it that I want to rant about January? Read on and you will find out !!

    The month of January started like every other month but with the different of starting the month with lots of celebrations. It was a new year, a lot of people had set their goals while other are expecting something new in the year. I’m really not year to explain the good that happened in January. Many people already spoke about the good in January but I’m here to say some bitter truth or sight some bitter experiences that happened to me.

    I always tell people, before you visit your relative, there are three important questions to ask.

    • What time do you wake up from sleep
    • What time do you have your breakfast
    • How good is your electricity

    These three question are so important that I always ask before I visit any relatives so I can prepare myself well before going but after arriving from Abuja. My cousins were happy I had returned back to Lagos and they would like to see me, due to excitement I got my stuff ready because it was a home where it was just Us “Boys”.

    It was my cousin apartment, so I planned to have a lot of fun before return home. After packing, I was asked “Are you on your way?” And I said yes without asking the three most important question, especially the food part.

    After arriving at his place, I was welcome so well, and in my home you normally use food to welcome visitors but to my surprise my cousins brought out biscuit and soft drink for me to eat. At first, I thought it was just for stepping down the stress of traveling but it wasn’t. That night, no one was entering the kitchen and it was 7pm already. At 8pm, I couldn’t act like nothing was wrong again so I stood up, walked to the kitchen then start opening the pot.

    It was then, my bro picked that I was hungry. “Oh, sorry we haven’t cooked but tomorrow I will be going to the market to get food stuff” like how have you been surviving all this while? I acted like I wasn’t worried, I was like “No No No, I’m fine” I went to bed with another soft drink in my stomach.

    As early as 7am, bro was out to the market to get food stuff, when he got back I only saw cartoons of noodle, hotdogs, more drink and some soup ingredients. My mind kept asking me “where is the rice, the beans, the garri, the semo and the rest?” Anyways, for the first week of staying there, I had noodles more than what I had in the university. If they could cut my veins, noodles would have dropped right out of it.

    The following week, I told my cousins I had to travel home to get something’s done which is very urgent and it’s life threatening matter. They couldn’t stop me but I was glad I was going home. Before I got home, Rice, stew and chicken was waiting for me at home.

    That’s the worst experience I had this January. The rest had been good except for the fact that the country economy keeps depreciating, and it’s currency lost its value everyday. If I’m gonna write on that, I would be making a documentary.

    😂😂😂Thanks for reading guys. Don’t forget to follow me.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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