The Iron Hook : The Kaginawa Ghost

in voilk •  3 months ago
    The Iron Hook : Kaginawa

    Taka continues his hard work to forge a tool that will help Jin Sakai to scale the castle wall. Sensei Ishikawa, Lady Masako, and Ryuzo are ready to help Jin to rescue his uncle from the Castle Kaneda.

    So, today I checked on Yuna in the town of Komatsu Forge, then to Taka.

    Yuna, on the other hand, was telling the people what they wanted to hear. She keep telling them how good I am at protecting them, even when they were asleep. The story of vengeful spirit spread quicker than I thought it would, now, some people are calling me the "Ghost". The people is starting to believe, that someday they will be free, and the "Ghost" will help them achieve that.

    Taka was doing his best to craft me a tool, to help me with my mission. When we reached the forge, there was this man, repairing the bridge, called us to help him with the repair. Yuna told me to go ahead and meet Taka. But, before I do that, we take pictures together, on the bridge, it's quite a scene.

    Taka finished his work, and he handed me the grapple hook, which is strong enough to carry a man. This iron hook will help me reach higher places that I could not before, and most importantly, it can help me climb the wall of Castle Kaneda. This is indeed a magnificent craft. Btw, Taka call this hook as Kaginawa. Now that it's in my hand, it should be called The Kaginawa Ghost xD haha

    While Taka and I having conversation, Ryuzo was calling for me outside of the forge. It seems that he's in hurry and desperate. He's calling me not by my name, but he's calling for a samurai. Ryuzo told me that Mongols have captured his best fighter, the one that I am counting on to help free Shimura.

    Me and Ryuzo leave town of Komatsu Forge and head to Fort Yatate. We had a nice conversation on our way there. Ryuzo told me about our duel at Nagao's tournament long time ago, before the war. He actually joined the tournament to gain attention, and become a samurai. It was a one sided duel, Ryuzo almost broke his arm that day. To my surprise, even Ryuzo heard about the "Ghost" story that spread not long ago.

    Then, we reach the other ronin's location. They've been waiting for our arrival. This give me a quick flash back, back then, when me and other six of best ronin, doing mission together. Now we are back together again.

    While we rode to For Yatate, we discussed our strategy on how to get in the fort, and free the captured ronin. There's only one road into the fort, and it'll be guarded by the best Mongols. So, the plan was to get inside without being seen. I will be climbing the cliff at the fort's back.

    Ryuzo surprised with my plan. He never thought that I would have a useful tool to climb a cliff. Well, I have never use it before, so this will be my first experience of using it. So, I will free the captured ronin first, give the signal to Ryuzo so they can charge in.

    My first experience with Kaginawa. It's important to get the timing right and release the hook so I can safely land on the other side. One mistake cost me my life. The grapple is a fun tools to have. I've been playing for 36 hours so far, if I knew about this tool before, I would get it first.

    Then I reach the top. I can clearly see most of the fort from up here, so my first target would be the archer. It's easier to plan an attack from above.

    With the aid of Kaginawa, it was easier to get behind this archer.

    The archer was down before he even realized it.

    Mud was all over my attire. Sneaking attacks also mean getting dirty not only with your dirty trick but also with your attire, which is muddily dirty.

    I already scouted where the Mongols hold the ronin, in the cages. But, I don't want to rescue them just yet. Their presence will not only keep me from losing focus, but they might get themselves killed since there were so many heavily armored Mongols around here.

    So, I jumped from above, then assassinate the giant first. This, however, triggered the nearby Mongols.

    The Mongols, not only take turn to attacking me, but they also take turn getting stabbed. While one Mongols we pushed back by his own fear, having hard time to get up, stand and fight.. xD

    Some of them even get their legs kicked before they die.

    They were fighting the "Ghost", how could they survive right? xD

    This narrow part makes the fight more challenging, especially when one of the Mongols has a smoke bomb.

    But I managed to kill them all, except for the giant. He will be the last one.

    I throw my smoke bomb, and then the giant gets confused. That was the chance I took to stab his neck with my knife and end his life.

    I climbed up to a higher place again to see if I could do a sneak attack again. Target acquired.

    I sneaked behind and slit the man's throat who was behind the leader.

    The sneak attack streak doesn't last longer. One of the guard saw me, and that's alarmed all nearby Mongols, the Leader included.

    So, the battle against giants began. The giant can take a lot of hits, on par with the leader.

    The first attempt using the Heavenly Strike skill on the giants. It didn't kill him.

    Second attempt, and he's still standing.

    The third attack killed the giant, finally, but unfortunately, I got hit by the spear too. There was not enough time to avoid it.

    After the spearman was killed, the second giant and the leader were still struggling to hit me.

    The leader came to me first, and that's what got him killed.

    By killing the leader, I gained enough points to unlock Moon Stand. I quickly activated it and used it to fight with the last giant.

    Using the Moon Stand, I can kick the giant in the face. It was so much fun to do it. A successful kick will stun the giant.

    While the giant was stunned, I had enough time to end his life. He was the last one.

    Finally, I get to free the ronin from the cage, but my first cage was a mistake. There was a bear inside, and as soon as the bear was free, it started to attack me.

    So I have no choice other than to kill it.

    All ronin that were captured are now free. It's time to signal Ryuzo.

    That's the signal.

    The Mongols were terrified and socked, they never expected to be attacked from inside and outside of the fort. So, it was not an easy fight for the ronins, some of them almost died in this battle, luckily I manage to rescue them.

    There was no ronin die today. Victory is ours!

    Ryuzo and his men took the horse and rode to town of Komatsu Forge. They will be waiting for me there to attack Castle Kaneda and rescue Shimura.

    Before leaving, I took some photos of new places that I discovered today.

    So, that's all for today. Thank you so much for your support, until next post! Have a nice day, goodbye!

    Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing Ghost of Tsushima game. My thumbnail picture was made using PixeLab apps.
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