The True Essence Of Friendship

in voilk •  5 months ago
    Hello Friends,

    From my personal definition of friendship, I think it's a relationship between two or more parties, which involves the sacrifice of both time, energy, and resources.

    I believe true friendship is a both way thing, which means it's more effective and efficient when both parties are ready to stand by each other in difficult times.

    That's why a true friend can become even more closer than a brother, because friends could bear each other's burdens than most family members could.

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    Having gotten a brighter and more clearer definition of a friend, it's then obvious that we all need lots of friends in this life. But the question remains, **are they still many genuine and true friends?

    How I Tend To Make Friends

    I am a man that knows alot of people, but I can't confidently tell us that I have became friends with all of them. Infact, making new friends is easy for me because I can get alot jovial if the need arises.

    There's a saying which goes: "20 friends can not play together for 20 years". To a large extend, I find this saying to be true, because as we grow, our priorities as well as our friends tend to change.

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    Right from my primary school days till my university days, I have been getting and leaving all kinds of friends. And I have observed that the higher I grow, the lesser my friend cycle has become.

    In as much as I love having many friends to socialize and associated with, I have come to realize that true friendship is really hard to find this days. That explains why my friend zone has reduced significantly for the past couple of years.

    I Prefer Many Friends To Few Ones

    If we understand what true friendship is all about, and what benefits can be attached to having quality friends, I believe everyone would desire to have lots of friends.

    In as much as I love having many friends over few ones, the fact still remains that true friendship is very hard to find this days, because our generation have not come to the realization of what friendship really entails.

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    Research has it that humans are naturally socialized beings, which means we tend to operate better when we have close friends to share our thoughts and challenges with.

    Having many friends have been a blessing to me, and I wonder how live would have been without such friends of mine in my life. In as much as I want even more friends, I wouldn't ever trade the friends I currently have with anything else.

    Research has it that the more friends we have, the better our mental and physical health become. There are points in our lives where we just need friends to talk to and we would be okay.

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    I have seen some benefits of having so many friends, and some of these benefits includes: lesser cases of loneliness, boasting of my self-confidence, getting assistance and supports in stressful situations.

    I know having many friends is a good bargain, but they still some challenges to having lots of friends. Because alot of energy, support, time, and attention is equally needed from your end too.

    A wise man is a man that tends to invest in quality friendship, as some friendships tend to profit us better in the nearest or farther future, however.

    Thanks for your time here.

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