Fascinating Manga River

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello everyone! I'd like to share how wonderful we have been last holiday. We're chasing a streaming river in an off the beaten path with @mkyzxna at Patag, Managase, Borbon, Cebu.

    I happen to see a story of a Facebook friend. I asked the details of where she was and to my surprise, it's just few kilometers from my residence. Without second thought, I scheduled a day going to a fascinating Manga River.


    Come and let's keep chasing streams of river nearby hometown.

    Why do locals call this river as Manga River?



    That's my question when I first hear the name. The locals called this river as Manga river because of Mango tree along it's riverbank. Manga is a dialect of "mango", that's why they come up to this name. It's surrounded with some trees yet locals only knew mango tree. They just called it the said name due to some kids keep on coming back to this river to bathe. Other locals didn't know that this body of water exists.

    It was a fine day yet the alarming heat index seems bothering us. The unwavering determination drove us to continue this endeavor as to seek a refuge from this high temperature we experience today.




    Even in a bumpy road, we have to go through this. Mikay knows how to drive and I know how to ride at the back. Haha. And I know how risky it would be if I ride with her in a tricky road, so I walked.



    Usually, they have bridge connecting the across the river in order to cater the need of the people to cross. We encountered two of them.





    When we reached the covered court of the Patag, it is the indication that we have to ask locals the right path as it has has always two way road in reaching there. Mikay parked her motorcycle just few meters away from the covered court. When we have the chance to inquire, we have to ask them so we could not take the wrong path. It's indeed far, yet I couldn't feel my body tired since I enjoyed our journey and been able to talk different individuals.







    When we're almost to our destination, we encountered steaming of water and that's the indication of nearing our goal river. A gleeful aura I've been keeping since I saw river already.





    Mini waterfalls along our journey. I've never been to such enormous waterfall, I only saw them in social media yet I'm manifesting to encounter bigger waterfalls in the future.

    Welcome to Manga River!




    After almost two hours of finding this tranquil river. Finally, I found my refuge! The emerald green water surrounded with trees that's why some kids keep coming back to it's serene water. Today, it's too early for them to dip so we took the opportunity to bond with nature.



    The inviting river wanted us to take a dip however, we didn't bring any extra clothes but just by looking at it's finest made me think of the best and refueled once more. I thought only coffee can wake me up in the morning but also a date with nature made me motivate and rejuvenate after a morning hike.



    A simple joy of a wanderer is creating a connection with nature. Nature heals everything that we feel. Those stress, worries, fears, and doubts would be healed. Then if it comes back, reconnect with nature again. Just a cycle.



    By the time we bid goodbye, the laughter and chikas we shared been creating a great memory and carved it in our hearts.

    That's it for today Hivers. Have a great day! Toodles 🥰👋



    📚👪She is an ardent public school teacher and a believer in Him. A loving mother and an affectionate wife.

    🧑‍🍳 A food enthusiast who extremely loves food experiments and loves to try new dishes that satisfy taste buds🤤

    👣🍃 She found a new hobby which is hiking, trekking, and connecting with nature that describes her self-worth.

    ❤️ Connect and join her as she explores the wonders of the world about motherhood, traveling to other places, food experiments and reviews, nature adventures, and more!

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    "I joBEElieve I can, so you can🙏💪"

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