in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Yesterday, I wrote about a business loan I took few years back, and how hard it was for me to pay back because of the challenges I faced along the line. Prior to the prompt, I had wanted to rant about my experience with lending people money or people owing me generally. Since we are on the topic, now feels like the right time to do this.

    I mentioned in my last post that I hate owing people so much, and I was not lying at all. If I owe a person, I literally would not have peace of mind until I pay it back. I will have it in my head every moment and it would not leave until I settle the person I owe. Asides this, I communicate a lot to anyone I am owing, to update them about any little thing. There was this elder cousin of mine that can lend me any amount of money because he knows I would never stress him before he gets his money back. There was time I borrowed money from him to get some goods and it took like extra few days before I could pay it back.

    I updated my cousin everyday about the reason I have been unable to send his money back, apologized and asked for a few more days which he gladly agreed to. Having this kind of character towards debts didn't actually guarantee that people would treat me the same way. I thought this saying that says you get what you do to others only apply to when it's a bad thing. If not, are people not supposed to treat me the way I treat other people when it comes to money matters?

    It is always so painful to experience people owing me and behaving like they dont care. This is something that can spoil relationships because you can actually say too much out of anger when people refuse to keep up with their own end of the deal. I think some people are just naturally wicked and it is so unfair. How will you owe someone money and not even talk about it? And when they ask, you will start getting angry and start behaving as if they are bad people for asking for what is theirs.

    I have had quite an experience in my life and the one that happened recently was really annoying. This girl sells perfumes just like I do, and sometimes, she comes to my hostel to pick up some perfumes that she doesnt have and a customer requests for. She is someone that I know very well and there was this particular day she came to take some perfumes for a customer that hasnt paid her yet because he was yet to pick the ones he wanted.

    She went with these perfumes and when the customer paid her, she spent the money on something else and refused to pay me. It took a while before I asked her because I really suck at asking people for that kind of money. I always feel as if they actually know the right thing to do but just refused to do it. I asked and she promised to pay a certain time and when that day came. She did not send the money and didn't bother to inform me about the reason why she could not meet up. I would have understood any reason she gave because life can be unpredictable sometimes.

    I messaged her after few days and she did not reply me, I called but she did not pick. I was starting to get annoyed because I wouldn't tolerate anyone trying to outsmart me. After a few more days, I called her again and again, she didn't pick, sent a text and she didn't reply. It wasn't that she wasn't active on whatsapp, because she was posting whatsapp statuses.

    I was lucky to reach her on her birthday and she gave me series of excuses for missing my calls.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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