The dance of life

in voilk •  3 months ago


    The first leaves of the pomegranate trees were shining under the sun, as an undeniable sign of spring. And the calendar agrees this time. It is not one hasty tree that was fooled by the mild and warm winter. Neither a flower that bloomed before its time. The spring equinox arrived and all the plants in the northern hemisphere are dancing the dance of life. Nature is awakening and myself I had today the time and the mood to join the party!

    With my camera and my macro lens in hand :)

    The municipality gardeners are tending the parks daily, as we are in between two major holidays and the authorities are trying to keep the town spotless. The grass is cut, the dead branches has been removed, the random trash have been collected. And a lot of new flowers are planted. Actually the ones in the pictures below were planted just a few minutes before I photograph them. The gardener (that I hadn't noticed) was still planting at the other end of the flower bed when I was taking those pictures!



    The rosebushes were also growing new leaves and the weeds on the edges of the roads were looking for the sun between the parked cars. Colours, shapes and glowing surfaces were filling my photographic palette, giving me plenty excuses to play with :)





    But for one more time, it's the wild weeds that gave me the favourite images of the day. Without excessive colours, a simple combination of yellow and green was more than enough for a few wonderful pictures. Humble but persistent, weeds are always present, no matter how much work has been done to suppress them and how many plants have been planted on top of them.


    I am not very fond of selfies but you can picture me, sitting on that bench, enjoying the beauty of spring, can't you?


    The camera that I used is a Canon EOS 6D mark II with an EF 100mm f2.8L macro lens attached. I edited the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic .

    All the pictures and the words are mine.

    Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

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