Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well Prompt #127

Welcome to The Ink Well's weekly creative nonfiction prompt!
In this post, we'll announce the winners from last month's contest and provide the prompt for the coming week.
Before You Write Your Creative Nonfiction Post...
We ask that you read our Creative Nonfiction Tips post to learn about the creative nonfiction genre and review our guidelines.
Important notes:
- Creative nonfiction stories are based on your real-life experiences.
- We are looking for real short stories! Not advice columns, reports on crime or corruption in your city, observations on nature, recipes, religion, politics, or any other nonfiction content. Just real-life short stories.
- Ideal story length is between 750 and 1500 words, but your story must be at least 350 words, at a minimum to be curated.
- Please focus on quality content. Read and edit for errors! Use a grammar checker before you post your story.
- We expect everyone who posts in The Ink Well to read and comment on at least two other stories for each one published.
- Do not post stories featuring physical abuse, graphic violence, erotica or NSFW content.
Last Week's entrants
Thank you to all who participated in last week's prompt : Sliding backwards.
Last week's participants
Highlighting @marriot5464, with the story:
Losing Grades
It felt like a joke. I've known myself to be that guy with the answers to every question. Maybe not all, but I could take on eighty percent of the questions set without fidgeting. The best part of it all was I didn't need to cram the night before an exam. Until I found myself staring at question papers like the words were in a foreign language.
Curator's comment :
Marriot5464 writes a CNF story that is a pleasant read. The tone is casual, and yet we feel the distress as he felt it when he struggled through a challenging time in his life. He is estranged from his girlfriend, and admits it's partly because he is stubborn. He's broke. And finally, his grades are sinking. His friend, Michael, corners him and suggests they work together on the grades. He also suggests marriott5464 straighten things out with his girlfriend. This narrative is believable, and relatable. Dialogue helps to drive it, and scene descriptions are excellent.
Highlighting @zerah, with the story:
The Drive Home
Soon we were turning onto the main road. In no time, we were stuck in Lagos's signature traffic. With hawkers shouting their wares and tapping on people's windows as if to force them to buy. A conductor was almost getting violent with another road user. The sky was slowly pocketing the sun.
Curator's comment :
Zerah offers a delightful CNF about her favourite neighbour who is always full of insightful, inspirational advice that encourages her to focus. The piece is packed with crisp dialogue, spectacular scene setting and quirky humour. With each story about this neighbour we find ourselves a little more in love with her, which demos just how I imagine Z's love for her has grown. Lovely!
Highlighting @nancybriti1, with the story:
Bare feet
I had spent the afternoon playing with my sisters on the porch: my hair matted like a nest, my flowered dress, and my bare feet were evidence of how much fun I was having. For example, my feet had caught all the dirt and dust from the tiles, so they were all blackened and rough, looking like two little yams dug up from a conuco.
Curator's comment :
nancybriti1 writes an imaginative story with the tag CNF. The cute story alludes to her parents' attempt to prevent her, in her childhood, from going barefoot. The imaginative elements involve a monster invented by her father to scare her and force her to be barefoot. The result is a story that highlights the importance of the father figure as well as a notion of individual freedom that emerges from the child's mind, in contrast to the authority exercised through fears instilled in childhood. A very fresh story
This Week's Prompt 127
Just what the doctor ordered.
The prompt could refer to something good that happened or something you wish could happen to make things better. Just remember to draw the story from your own personal experience. .
Tell us about it! And remember to integrate storytelling elements like characters, scene setting, dialogue and action to bring your story to life!
Have fun and good luck! We look forward to reading your stories.

- You have 6 days to write your story from the date of this prompt post. Be sure to check the deadline countdown.
- Write a real-life story with the creative elements of fiction, like characters, dialogue, scene setting and a story conflict.
- Post your story in The Ink Well Community.
- Please use the tags #creativenonfiction and #inkwellprompt on these posts. Other possible tags: #writing #inkwellprompt #nonfiction
- Stories must be written in English. If you've translated the post, it's best to add the original version below the translation. Do not write mixed language paragraphs.
- Read and comment on at least two stories in the community. Add a link to your story as a comment on this post.
And be sure to remember to join The Ink Well community!

A prize of 20 Hive will be awarded to one submission every four weeks.
Two or three stories will be featured every week. One of the featured stories will win the grand prize every four weeks.
The winner will be featured in a special announcement post.

Interested in joining our community? Start by joining Hive!
Join here at Hive Onboard.
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Questions? Ask The Ink Well on Discord .
We invite lovers of creative writing to visit The Ink Well, a Hive community started by @raj808 and @stormlight24 and run by @jayna, @yaziris, @samsmith1971, @gracielaacevedo and @itsostylish.
How to Follow Our Curation Trail
You can follow our curation trail by going to our curation trail page and clicking the follow button.
How to Delegate to The Ink Well
We welcome delegations! These support our community in many ways, including helping us to provide support to quality content creators through curation and contests.
50 HP | 100 HP | 500 HP | 1000 HP | 5000 HP |
A big thank you to all of our delegators:
@jayna,, @itsostylish, @blueeyes8960, @agmoore, @marcybetancourt, @marlyncabrera, @stormcharmer, @juniorgomez, @iamraincrystal, @marriot5464, @preparedwombat, @gracielaacevedo, @timix648, @samsmith1971, @jackdeathblack, @josemalavem, @riverflows, @generikat, @mineopoly, @hazmat, @treasuree, @kingsleyy, @popurri, @nancybriti1, @marynn, @universoperdido, @rinconpoetico7, @nathy33, @iyimoga, @morey-lezama, @evagavilan2, @moneykeep, @mrenglish, @stuartcturnbull, @funshee, @amiegeoffrey, @balikis95, @cool08, @rukkie, @raymondpeter, @emreal, @tomiajax, @kushyzee, @jjmusa2004, @rare-gem, @ricurohemi28, @benwesterham, and @shakavon.