[ES/EN] 👊My strategy in 🔥"Little League" with 💥"Earth" deck

in voilk •  2 months ago


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    Estas imágenes han sido mezcladas por mí / These images have been mixed by me.


    Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", en esta batalla les compartiré mi estrategia cuando tengo que
    jugar con la regla de batalla "Little League" usando el mazo "Earth".
    Me enfrente a un mazo "Earth" también jugado por "betun90", es una batalla de "mana 28" y sin los monstruos
    "Water", "Death" y "Drake" disponibles.

    Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, in this battle I will share with you my strategy when I have to play with the "Little League" battle rule using the "Earth" deck. I faced an "Earth" deck also played by "betun90", it is a "mana 28" battle and without the "Water", "Death" and "Drake" monsters available.


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    Ruleset: "Little League"

    Jugar con esta regla significa que solo se podrán usar monstruos e invocadores de coste máximo 4. Se recomienda usar un invocador que nos de "+1 armor" o "+1 health". También debemos usar monstruos que tengan 2 de daño "magic" o "ranged". Usar a "Mylor" como invocador sería de gran ayuda.
    Playing with this rule means that only monsters and summoners with a maximum cost of 4 can be used. It is recommended to use a summoner that gives us "+1 armor" or "+1 health". We should also use monsters that have 2 "magic" or "ranged" damage. Using "Mylor" as a summoner would be a great help.


    Uso un team con ataque mágico y "melee".

    Mi invocador es "Obsidian" de "nivel 2", otorga +1 ataque mágico a mis monstruos.
    En la primera posición tengo a "Venari Marksrat" con "martyr", cuando muera dará más poder a "Xenith Monk" de "nivel 2"
    con "heal", será capaz de sanarse en cada turno.
    Aquí tengo a "Madcap Magus" con "scattershot" y "life leech", ganará salud cada vez que haga daño a un enemigo al azar.

    I use a team with magic attack and "melee".

    My summoner is "Obsidian" of "level 2", he grants +1 magic attack to my monsters.
    In the first position I have "Venari Marksrat" with "martyr", when he dies he will give more power to "Xenith Monk" of "level 2"
    with "heal", he will be able to heal himself every turn.
    Here I have "Madcap Magus" with "scattershot" and "life leech", he will gain health every time he deals damage to a random enemy.


    Ubico un "protect", un "triage" y un "camouflage".

    En medio tengo a "Queen Mycelia" con "protect", dará "+2 armor" a sus colegas.
    Casi al final esta "Spirit Hoarder" con "triage", sanará a un aliado de la linea de fondo.
    Y mi último monstruo es "Djinn Biljka" con "camouflage", se mantendrá oculto hasta que llegue a la primera posición.

    I place a "protect", a "triage" and a "camouflage".

    In the middle I have "Queen Mycelia" with "protect", she will give "+2 armor" to her colleagues.
    Almost at the end is "Spirit Hoarder" with "triage", she will heal an ally in the back line.
    And my last monster is "Djinn Biljka" with "camouflage", she will stay hidden until she reaches the first position.


    Me enfrente a un team con ataque "melee" y mágico.

    Su invocador es "Obsidian" de "nivel 2", este otorga +1 ataque mágico a sus monstruos.
    En la primera posición tiene a "Venari Marksrat" de "nivel 2" con "martyr", cuando muera dará más poder a "Xenith Monk" de
    "nivel 2" con "heal".
    Después está "Fungus Flinger" de "nivel 3", otro "martyr" que al morir dará más poder a "Xenith Monk" y a "Uraeus" de "nivel 2",
    un "sneak" que atacará a mi último monstruo.
    Casi al final tiene a "Madcap Magus" con "scattershot" y "life leech".
    Y su último monstruo es "Djinn Biljka" con "camouflage".

    I faced a team with a melee and magic attack.

    Their summoner is "Obsidian" of "level 2", he grants +1 magic attack to his monsters.
    In the first position he has "Venari Marksrat" of "level 2" with "martyr", when he dies he will give more power to "Xenith Monk" of "level 2" with "heal".
    Then there is "Fungus Flinger" of "level 3", another "martyr" that when dying will give more power to "Xenith Monk" and "Uraeus" of "level 2",
    a "sneak" that will attack my last monster.
    Almost at the end he has "Madcap Magus" with "scattershot" and "life leech".
    And his last monster is "Djinn Biljka" with "camouflage".


    Ronda 1

    Nuestros "Venari Marksrat" han caído y ahora nuestros "Xenith Monk" han ganado poder y se enfrentan.
    También nuestros "Djinn Biljka" han sido abatidos por nuestros "Madcap Magus".

    Round 1

    Our "Venari Marksrat" have fallen and now our "Xenith Monk" have gained power and are facing off.
    Also our "Djinn Biljka" have been struck down by our "Madcap Magus".


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    Ronda 2

    "Spirit Hoarder" sobrevive a la embestida de "Uraeus", pero mi "Madcap Magus" acaba con él afortunadamente.

    Round 2

    "Spirit Hoarder" survives "Uraeus"'s onslaught, but my "Madcap Magus" finishes him off fortunately.


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    Ronda 3

    "Queen Mycelia" se encarga de abatir a "Xenith Monk" y ahora tenemos a "Madcap Magus" con más poder gracias a la
    muerte de su "Fungus Flinger", pero sin chances de ganar por mi superioridad en monstruos.

    Round 3

    "Queen Mycelia" is in charge of taking down "Xenith Monk" and now we have "Madcap Magus" with more power thanks to the death of
    his "Fungus Flinger", but without a chance of winning due to my superiority in monsters.


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    ¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

    Mi estrategia dio resultados, "Spirit Hoarder" estuvo genial porque pudo frenar a "Uraeus".
    Después "Madcap Magus" fue muy útil al atacar la linea de fondo enemiga.
    La próxima vez usaré un team "Death" con monstruos con la habilidad "life leech".

    Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

    My strategy paid off, "Spirit Hoarder" was great because it was able to stop "Uraeus".
    Afterwards "Madcap Magus" was very useful when attacking the enemy backline.
    Next time I will use a "Death" team with monsters with the "life leech" ability.



    Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.

    If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


    La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


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