Aside from Blogging, I've Been Working On Computers to Make Money

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Original Image Source: Elias Gamez - pexels

    With Inflation seems to not have any plans of stopping anytime soon, being able to earn by blogging on Hive provides an extra source of income for lots of people to either use it as a quick cash for their immediate needs, use it on other investments or hold it for a long time to be as a sort of emergency fund. No matter which way it is, it is a fact that Hive has played a role on improving the lives of the people that were within the block chain and some may even be able to survive just with their Hive earnings. As for me, I'm more like of a casual blogger so my earnings will mostly depends on the time that I can spare creating my content after I was done with my main job along with the other side projects that I do and since we have been talking about our other source of income, let me tell you the things that I do in order to earn money with this post.

    My Main Source of Living

    For some of my long time readers and virtual friends here on Hive, they most likely know of what I do for living, whether they got the idea from reading my previous post or told them when we chat but for those that don't know, I am currently working and an I.T. End User Support for a certain BPO company, a job that I get just a year ago. My main task was to resolved the problems that the end user which in this case was the Call Center Agents and all the non I.T Personnel of the company have encountered while using their computers such as computers not booting, monitors not having display, replacement of malfunctioning peripherals, installing applications, deploying workstation and many more. On some occasions, we also guide users on how to use new technologies. For most of the time, we can do our work without leaving the I.T. Departments specially when it evolves software issues as we can just fixed them remotely with our computer but when it comes to task that involves hardware, we need to go to the workstation personally to resolve the issue so we got to explore every buildings in the company from time to time. That said the overall job was not that difficult in comparison to the other works in the I.T. industry but the downside is that, there will always be an issue to be resolves since most of this computers operates 24/7 a week, 365 days a year. Since my work involves equipment that is used to store a personal information, I was not allowed to share any pictures about my work so instead, I'm gonna share some image for my other side gigs.

    Other Source of Income:

    • Home- Based Computer Technician

    Aside from working as an I.T. on a company, I also work as a Home-based Computer Technician with my free time. It is something that I'm already doing ever since I was in college in order to help with my expenses but during the pandemic, I got crazy amounts of customers mainly due that work and classes are done from home that requires many people to invest on computers and internet. To get an idea for the services I offered you can check with this 2020 facebook, post of mine detailing the thing that I do.


    Now that most of the things were back to normal, I barely get any customers in a month but yesterday, I finally got my first customer in the last 50 days. It was one of of my mom's Sumba friend with the problem on his son's computer not showing display despite having power. To fix this, I first disassemble the whole unit in order to clean it up, in order to removed the dust that accumulates inside, hoping that at the same time, the problems would be fixed when I reassemble it. Once I finished returning it to normal, I took some sleep because it was already late and decided to test it on the morning

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    After finally cleaning all the computer parts.

    Reasembling the Computer

    When I woke up, I proceed with testing the computer if it was fixed but it did not work and after a few more tries, I found out that it was ram slot that is the cause of the problem which is probably due to the computer being an old model with barely any cleaning and maintenance done. Although it finally started to work again, losing that RAM will make the computer slower so I recommend to them to buy a bigger RAM to compensate for the faulty RAM slot and if they can, invest to some SSD to improve its boot time and performance. Later today, I received a response to them that they will return the computer to me within a week or two to do the necessary upgrades.

    Computer Finally working

    • Web 3 Gamer


    Before, gaming was nothing but a source of entertainment for me but when I started to learn more about crypto and introduced to block chain games, I have also gained the opportunity to earn money through gaming with the Scholarships that was given by some web3 gaming guilds and within those games, the one that I am most active right now was Splinterlands that also happens to be a game under the Hive block chain. What you see above was the scholar account that I'm playing Balthazar Guild in partnership from Side Door Ventures which is playing with max level cards with 50% earning split. With the amount that I'm earning with this account alone, I can say that I earn around 60- 100 USD alone by playing the game depending on the market price of its token. Among other games, I also used to be a scholar for Axie Infinity and Aavegotchi.

    Money is definitely hard to earn and with the times that we are currently in, just having a single source of income might be difficult to sustain our overall needs, much more if we want to have a better life. So whatever you do in order to earn money, just continue on doing them, so long as you are not doing anything that wrong or can hurt other people.

    Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

    Are you interested in reading some of my future writings? Don't forget to follow me! In the meantime, here are some of my most recent Hive Learners post if you'd like to read them:


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