I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.
It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.
This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.
The following records are from page 53 to page 54. You can see James Tisch(CEO of Loews Corporation, on page 53), Ivana Trump(ex-wife of Donald Trump, on page 54), and Ivanka Trump(daughter of Donald Trump, on page 54).
Rupert Tate, 5 Inworth Street, London SW11, 0207-280 2923(h), 0207-228 5035(w)
Alfred Taubman, 200 East Long Lake, Bloomfield Hills Michigan 48304, 810-258-7201(w), 810-258-7476, (Hm)7-12 5th Avenue, New York, NY, 810-855-3700(h), 212-541-6400(w), 561-832-0700
Bobby Taubman, 001 810 258-7213(w, 011 810 644 7775(h), 001 212 541 6400(w)
Mr Billy & Nicket Tavoulareas, Somerlese, Courtney Avenue, Highgate London N6 4LP, 0208-340 6417(h), 0208-348 0267(h), 0207-439 9721(w)
Peter Tavoulareas, 7 Prince Albert Road, London NW1, 0207-284 0425(h), 0207-439 9721(w)
Emmy Tayler, 011 44 1865-559181(h), 01144 7956 509 659(Laura sis.), 07956 248 584(p), 323 650 7588(h), Email:emtayler@att.net, (Hm)1017 N. Laurel Ave, apt. #1, West Holywood CA 90046, 011 323 821 3699(p), 001 561-373 4880 Kyle Work No. Only
Felicia Taylor, 784 Park Avenue #10A, 001 212 517 0085, 001 212 664 2600(w), 001 917 562-0022 voice mail, 202 483 0817/5437 John, 917 975 7735(p), 561 833 9856, 561 833 4464 private line, 917 834 4993 car phone, 07799 644 851 UK cell
Pamela Taylor, 001 212 527-4066(w, 001 212 527-4068(f
Sebastian Taylor, 15 West Halkin St., London SW1, 001 917 846 4161, 212-750-3835(h), 235 4472, 0207-245-6816 Fax
Julie & Eliot Taymor, Loh Inc. & Zarathustra Music, 874 Broadway #1001/1005, New York NY 10003, 212 475 4829 private, 212-505-8507 pvtfax, Email:Lohinc@earthlink.net, (Hm)26 North Redoubt Road, Garrison NJ 10524, 917 846 0467 Elliot portable, 212 505 1452 Assistant Jules, 212 505 3572 Jules fax, 917 689 1659 Julie portable, 212 505 8032(h), 212 674 1018(h), 845 424 4329(h)
Harry Tennenbaum, 010 212 722 3055
Eduardo Teodorani-Fabbri, CNH Global N.V., Opus Landmark Building, 100 5th Saunders Road Lake Forest, IL 60045, 11447803 956782(p), Email:eduardo.teodorani@cnh.com, (Hm)Flat 51 - Royal Court House, 162 Sloane Street, London SWIX 9BS UK, 001 847 735 9200(w, 011447803956782 Eduardo cell, 0208-479 8851, 44 1268 292 629 wf, 847 955 3380 fax, 44 1268 295383 Karen Bird - London Office, 011 44 207 8234768 h, +390115090662 IFI corp, +44 207 823 4768(h), +39 06 678 0783(h)
Baroness Francesca Thielmann, 011 541 815 2409, 011 541 815 3193
Catherine Theodoli, 001 305 931 4292(w, 001 212 439 1712, Email:ktheodoli@aol.com
Mogens Tholstrup, 6 Fawcett St, London, SW10 9HE, 0207-351 6429(h), 07785 250 990(p), Email:mtholstrup@cs.com, 0207-584 7215(w), 0033 49 497 7837(St. Trop.), 0041 27 771 8551(Verbier)
Paola Tholstrup, 11 Sheffield Terrace, London W87NG, 0207-727 9211, 07889 437 363(p)
Barnaby Thompson, 001 212 265 7621(w)
David Tisch, 212 752 0560(w), 917 385 3377(p), Email:david.tisch@edb.com
Merryl and Jimmy Tisch, 9 East 79th Street, NY NY 10021, 001 212 879 9414
Andrew & Anne Tish, Regency Hotel, 540 Park Ave. 10021, One Park Ave. #18th Floor, New York NY 10016, 001 212 545 3456
Sonia Titopupolo, 001 212 706 2457(h)
Emily Olypitus Todhunter, 23 Warwick Sq, London SW1V 2AB, 0207-828 4343(h), 0207-828 5353(f), Email:emily@todhunterearle.com, 0207-221 8006, 0468-473 793
Alvarez de Toledo Ignacio, 00 33 1 6458 9451(h), 00 33 1 4413 0343(w), 001 212 688 5127, 00 33 07614287(p), 001 305 582 9171, 001 305 864 8080, +44 795 183 5245
Bea Tollman, 011 207 235 9251
Brett Tollman, 485 Park Avenue, New York NY 10022, 001 212 888 6048(h), 001 203 868 0720(country), 001 914 745 2177
Mr & Mrs Tollman, 485 Park Avenue, New York NY 10022, 001 212 888 6048(h), 001 407 659 0999
Syrie & Gavin Tollman, 21 East 93rd Street, New York NY 10128, 001 212 996 2417(h), 001 212 489 8970(gw), 001 212 606 7516(sw)
Wyne Tollman, 641 Fifth Ave. #34E, NY NY 10022, 001 212 355 0083, 001 212 245 6952(h)
Veronica Toub (Busson) , 570 Park Avenue, New York NY 10021 USA, (Hm)5 Rue Lalo, Paris, France, 75016, 001 212 888 0764(h v), 001 212 472 8757(h a), 00 33 1 4500 0519(h), 00 33 1 4500 3341(h), 001 917 88121455/3
Philip Treacy, 69 Elizabeth St., London, England, SW1 W9PJ, 0207 259 9605, 0207 824 8794(h), (Hm)07939 528663 Stefan)
Blaine & Robert Trump, 167 E 61 St, New York NY 10021
Ivana Trump, 001 212 319 4500, 0207-823 1172(h), 001 212 759 4770(w)
Ivanka Trump, 0777 565 1554, 001 917 446 2617