Cooking Should Not Be Automated !

in voilk •  last month

    Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is We Need No Automation


    In our lives, the use of artificial intelligence is increasing day by day, everything is becoming automated. If I look back a little, I used to see my mother washing clothes by hand, but nowadays this thing has been replaced by automatic machines. Now you have to put clothes in the machine, and the machine does the rest of the work. The machine washes the clothes and even dries them.

    In my opinion, this is a very positive change. It has brought convenience into our lives, especially for women. If we look at every aspect of our lives, we'll see automation everywhere. If we go back a little in time, we used to travel on horses, but nowadays we have cars. Automation has been added to these cars. Nowadays, cars are driving themselves. A few days ago, I watched a video of an influencer. She was sitting in the car and she just told the car her destination. The car drove itself and took her to her destination. It was astonishing for me.

    The best part was that the car drove very cautiously and took great care of the people traveling around it. After the advent of artificial intelligence, there was a significant debate about whether this technology is dangerous for humans. It was feared that it would replace humans, leading to an increase in unemployment. To some extent, this concern is valid. However, in my opinion, this technology has been developed to make our work easier, to provide us with convenience in our tasks.

    Even after all this, there's one aspect of our lives where I never want automation to come, and that's cooking.

    We are coming to learn from our elders that if a woman wants to win her man's heart, she should know how to cook well because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, meaning that the woman should know how to cook well. And from what I have observed, this is true. Every woman has her own taste, which cannot be replaced by any automated thing. The taste of hand-cooked food cannot be replicated by any machine. Let me give you an example of this. Suppose we conduct an experiment. We give two men the same ingredients and ask them to cook, explaining the entire process to them, and then suggest to them that they both have to cook exactly the same way, using the same spices. It means that everything has to be done the same. So the taste of the food should also be the same, right? But that's not the case. After putting the same ingredients, there will be a change in the taste of both dishes.

    My mother passed away few years back, Even today, I still miss the taste of her cooking. No one else in the world can cook like her.

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    I hope you guys would also agree with me.

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