Holidays are wastage of time?

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Edited by canva

    Work is life. Without work, there is no meaning of life. But sometimes we need free time for relaxation. Otherwise we can’t do our work properly. I am a office worker, who works for around 8-9 hours a day , but considering the traffic of the road and my clumsiness and preparation stuff , around 11-12 hours of my day is spent solely to earn one of the many aspects a life has to offer . I believe a human opt for success in three aspects, they are:

    Physical success: That means to have a healthy body .

    Mental success: That means peace of mind (at least a certain degree)

    Financial success: That is to have a certain degree of financial freedom , so that other than the basic needs like food, bills , we can spend money on other stuff , like entertainment , charity etc.

    But my work isn’t giving me physical or mental success , rather the opposite , the overpressure i go through every now and then just to clear my scheduled work is enough to give me mental stress similar to that of a heart break , and sitting in my desk all day long and then coming home just to lay down and wait for tomorrow is making my body weaker each day , one can say this are just excuses to get by with my lack of self-control and time management skill , I think they are either not experienced with the work life or they might be those superhumans who really can achieve anything , but sorry to say but I and most of my colleagues are not among them.
    We are normal humans who need to refuel every day , and we are already working like a robot all day long. We can not really put our mind under more pressure to follow certain rules like waking up at 5 o’ clock and starting your day by going on a jog .Because we don't have the mental peace we need . so one is affecting the other.

    What I am getting out of my job at the end of the day is the pay , which can fill only one of the main three aspects that I wanna be successful at the end of the day. And the other two demand time and effort as well . I agree that I get 2 days out every week , but are they really free days where I can just goof around doing what I like ? The thing is when I am at work , I am thinking about my home and when I am at home , I constantly think about my work . So saying that in those two days , I can just take my mind out is not really a solution . There is a thing called mood .

    Last month , I had a marriage ceremony for my nephew to attend . I didn’t get the leave at first , but even after requesting they allowed me to take the 4 days leave. I had to do the work anyway with overtime as that wasn’t my usual leave day .And as I was panicked at whether I should have taken the leave or not , I really didn’t get to enjoy the wedding as well . now isn’t that awesome !!

    Now consider a system where one can take a certain day's amount of leave within a year at any time . Just how flexible would things get! We can enjoy those times really up to our own free will and when we are in the mood . Just like watching a TV show at the wrong time doesn’t entertain you , in the same way just getting some fixed days of holidays doesn’t make up for the enjoyment we need to refuel ourselves.

    When i am actually enjoying the holidays i will get a boost , i can work better , and i will get the motivation that i lack to wake up early to exercise or after work exercise . And when I am in that breakdown phase again ( which is definitely different for every person ) I can take the break and will not have to think about the even more pressure when I come back . And this time i will come stronger .

    I wish we can have this so that we can work on ourselves in those times to make us more efficient in our work and life as a whole .The more efficient worker the more the country will prosper.So there must be a proper ratio in holidays.


    This for today.Thanks for reading my blog. Please share your valuable thoughts in the comment section. Happy reading.


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