Staking - The Must Have Knowledge

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Over the last few years I have been building and accumulating my crypto bags and never for one moment did I think I would be earning so much through daily rewards. The reality is when you are consistent with your investment actions at some point you will reap the rewards and everything becomes so much clearer. The truth is we are only a small percentage in crypto who have a clear plan and understand what and how to grow.

    I know a few people in crypto who have a fair sized portfolio and not one single token is staked. These individuals are relying on price movement alone for growth and they are missing out big time. I don't share what I am doing with them mainly because it is best to keep your finances private. You can come across as a know it all especially if they know nothing so it is best to keep quiet.

    My thinking is if you fail to educate yourself then you do not deserve the extras that are possible each and every day. When I say decent they are not huge portfolios with one of them having around $20K, but that token number has never grown in over 4 years and the only change has been the market prices.

    Yes they are in crypto which is a plus for them, but the way I see it this is he real dumb money having no idea what is possible. They are diamond hands with no clue how much they are throwing away and I am not going to tell them either. The problem is they would take too much time to educate and knowing them they think they are already so smart by having crypto.

    4 years is roughly one crypto cycle and over that length of time you should be able to double your crypto value through the APR rewards and the compounding interest effect. At a worse case scenario the $20K would be at least $30K by now through organic growth and even though they do not know it they are actually going backwards.

    Staking in crypto was a considered a fairly new phenomena with it coming to the fore in mid 2022 to late 2023. Being on Hive we just take it for granted as we have known no different from day one. Understanding your account growth is all we know and have used our knowledge in our other crypto investments which had benefitted us immensely.

    All my crypto investments involve compounding and if that is not possible I will not invest because I see no log term benefit. This is the difference on how so many think as I am looking at a passive income/income stream and not necessarily the final selling price. Yes I will sell and buy back into the same project because you know what it offers due to educating yourself through research. Little do they know I see them or consider them as proper amateurs and are throwing serious money away. There are those in crypto who know and there are plenty who are a danger unto themselves with no idea.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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