"PEACE-Wahei " 和平 [English and Japanese]

in voilk •  5 months ago



    I created this artwork titled "PEACE-Wahei 和平" the other day, strongly advocating for a peaceful resolution in our world as soon as possible. I understand the complexities involved in reaching ceasefire agreements, but we must halt war.

    I digitally created the background image using AI, incorporating various elements into this calligraphy collage artwork. Among them is a serene depiction of nature, symbolizing the coexistence of nature and humanity. I find solace in the idea of sharing, exchanging, and caring together, much like the harmony depicted in this imagery. Throughout our lives, we continually borrow and share from one another.

    I thought about the original meanings of "和平 (wahei)" and "平和 (heiwa)" and researched once again.

    "和平" denotes conflict resolution and peace-making, while "平和" signifies the absence of conflict and the presence of tranquility. Moreover, achieving peace following conflicts or wars embodies the essence of "和平," and the resulting state is described as "平和."

    Hmm... it's true and deep. I should use the word ’和平’ right now.

    I wrote about 'Peace By Chocolate,' which was created by the Syrian refugee people. I adore the packaging, which bears the word "和平" in Chinese. In Mandarin, it's pronounced 'hépíng,' and in Cantonese, 'woping,' both meaning peace. In Japanese, we pronounce it as 'wahei.' Additionally, we use "平和" ('heiwa') in Japanese, which also means peace.

    I've been contemplating why and how the people behind Peace by Chocolate decided to incorporate this design featuring the word "和平." Its profound significance deeply resonates with me. I believe it's now crucial to embrace and advocate for "和平" rather than merely hoping for "平和."

    Japanese 日本語



    「PEACE-Wahei 和平」というタイトルのアート作品を作りました。世界の状況を今すぐに平和的に解決することを強く望んでいます。簡単に停戦とはならないさまざまな困難な状況があるにせよ、やはり戦争は止めなければならないと思います。





    シリアの難民の方たちが作る「Peace By Chocolate」のチョコの話について以前書いたことがあります。このパッケージには中国語で「和平」と書いてあります。マンダリンでは「hépíng」と発音し、広東語では「woping」と発音するそうです。日本語では「わへい」と発音しますし、「へいわ」も同じくpeaceの意味合いを持ちますね。

    「Peace By Chocolate」の方たちがこの言葉をデザインとして選んだ意味合いをすごく考えさせられました。彼らの直面した背景を考えると、「和平」という言葉に大変深い意味合いを感じました。今は「平和」という言葉よりも「和平」をたくさん使おうと思います。

    Thank you for reading!


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