The Picture That Speaks | Hive Learners Prompt #102

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Good morning friends.

    Today, I have an image to share with you all. It's a picture I snapped in December, 2012. You know what they say about pictures? It speaks a thousand words. Each time I look at this picture, I laugh out loud. I once laughed out when Insaw this picture and my wife ran to me asking what the problem was. There wasn't any problem though, it's just the memories that come with the picture. Just follow me as I take you through the mystery around this picture.


    In December 2021, my sister-in-law was getting married and I had to travel with my wife and children to honour the invitation. Usually, my father-in-law is one out-going man like that. The man likes to chop life. So, I was all prepared for the fun. In the family, there are six ladies and only one boy who happens to be the last child. You know this African mentality that until a male child is born, the family is incomplete. This was the reason they kept giving birth to many children.

    We reached Agbor in Delta state on Thursday afternoon. I didn't want to miss any aspect of the marriage rites. Friday was the traditional engagement which is usually the fun part of an African wedding. We were welcome to a sumptuous meal of banga soup with akpu. Perhaps you don't know how this meal tastes, you may have to ask @merit.ahama 😂😂😂😂. She is a pro in preparing (sorry for the mention with prior notice). For me, part of the fun had already started. While we were still munching the delicious meal, my father-in-law in his usual habit surfaced with a jar of fresh palm wine and fried sauced nails. O'l boy, you needed to be there.

    On the engagement morning proper, we woke up very early in the morning for the preparations. The family is large and everyone plays one role for the success of the ceremonies or the other. The groom and his family came over around 11:00 am after delaying for one hour. Since they had delayed for one hour, the wives, I mean all married women in the family, laid their wrappers on the bare floor asking the groom, his family, and well wishes that came with them to pay before entering the compound. Believe me, they made a lot of money doing just that.

    There was the traditional music of Moroko Maduka and a mixture of Olisadebe playing in the background as both families settled to begin the traditional rites.

    The Saga

    When it was time for the bride to come out and find the groom, the would-be husband, the only boy refused her. He locked the door to the main entrance, the only exit point from the house. It was such a struggle.
    The bride is the immediate older sister of Joseph. And according to Joseph, he wanted her to pay all the cheating melted on him by his sister.
    He explained that his sister had always taken the biggest chunk of meat whenever the eat together. And when chores are been undertaken, he does more but treated less.

    We had to appease him before he opened the door and allowed the bride to come out from inside to look for the groom.

    The above picture was taken by me after we had settled the young man, one of his friends dragged him to join us where the ceremonies was being held. Since then, each time I see this picture again, I remember the action of Joseph and laugh.

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