Splinterlands Grind Report!

in voilk •  3 months ago



    Whats up whats down hive peeps and splinterlands players.
    For this morning, just wanna share the result of my 2 days of grinding in Modern League - Gold Rank.
    I don't do the traditional hard rent this time because the other Legendary Summoners are very mahal ( expensive ).
    So I rented 4 of my best summoners, best for me..

    We got Kelya Fredul, Obisdian , Thaddius Brood & Quix the Devious. All Max Levels yeah!!


    And this the rewards I get after grinding, not so bad for me. At least I tried my best to climb HAHAHA.. But theres a lot of Whales also climbing with me and kicking my ass! 🤣



    I also got a good result in Brawl, 7 win and 1 loss, but the truth is theres free three battles waving on me coz lot's of people don't like to play on that fray HAHAHA..
    Gold Tier with Gold Foils. 😁


    Come And Join The Battle


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