Cape Town - The Storm in Cape Town. What woke up the whole family

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hey everyone! Zak here from a very stormy Cape Town!

    It's in the news everywhere if you would like to look at the absolute devastation that the storm has wrecked in Cape Town. Luckily for our little family, there was no injuries, accidents or property damage.

    The same cannot be said for the rest of Cape Town with massive flooding, fire and wind damage. People that I know where affected badly by the storm and the whole province of the Western Cape was on high alert of all sorts of things.

    The Cape Peninsula seemed to be the worst affected that I can see.

    I still worked in high winds on Saturday. Sunday I was at home and then Monday(yesterday) we worked in absolute rainy wet weather. I got soaked quite a few times.

    Sunday night the above picture is probably what woke us up. A sound that was akin to a lot of stuff crashing off a shelf at the same time - but a shelf of an impossible size shook the whole house wide awake.

    Kids awake, car alarm set off and blaring at 2am in the morning, I had bolted up and had to do a quick check around the house while I was doing so.

    I settled in to sleep and had the rainy day at work.

    My lead technician was sick and at lunch, went to the doctor and got booked off for two days. He will not be coming in to work today and it is crunch time.

    The other team went off early with both members having symptoms for being sick.

    Despite being within close proximity to them and many others, I am not sick at all and have no symptoms. Too busy to be sick!

    Well, let me go get dressed and get to site. It is 6am right now and I need to be there before 7am to start my day. I have no idea if I will even have staff on site to do the work today.

    Have a safe day wherever you are!


    Hive South Africa

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