Taiwan Hsinchu Night Market - Nomad Experiences 2024

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Living in Taiwan now for 3 full years, I have realized after visiting a night market event near our neighborhood... wow the Covid pandemic feels like its truly over. Hellz yea!!~~ Seeing people in the night market all enjoying small little things like snacks and simple carnival games together felt the inner belonging we all have in humanity.

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    In Taiwan and also many other Asian countries as well have these night market event usually during a specific date, in this night market its every Tuesdays and Thursdays at night. Every city has it's own dates and times. This one in particular was closed during the entire time of Covid and today was a brand new reopening day. It felt like everyone in the neighborhood literally came to check it out. It was packed!

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    A lot of the games I see looked like it has not changed since probably for more than 50 years. I even remember similar if not the same type of games I used to play when even when I was a child.

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    This in my opinion I wish never will change because it brings back nostalgic memories. Being in my mid 40's Nostalgia is a word I can fully understand now. Still... I am sure there is plenty more awaiting in the future if I am lucky. hehehe.

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    Some common games I see culturally even in the US and I am sure other countries as well are "ring toss" games and "shoot the balloons" games. The rules are pretty straight forward for both games.

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    The Ring Toss Game
    Buy a bucketful of rings and throw them at whatever prize you want. If your ring lands on the prize... well you win the prize. hehehe. The easier stuff is in the front which also are pretty small and probably dirt cheap.

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    The more attractive prizes and expensive ones are far in the back... which no matter how much I tried just can't get it!!! The funny thing is that because the rings are made out of wood, even when it does land on the prize it tends to bounce right out. lolz! Smart trick... :)

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    As I observe the prizes it for sure made for everyone, for all ages. The booze is all the way in the back side for adults whoever wants some alcohol drinks and the toys are in the front for the kids. In the middle are a bunch of drinks and some "better" toys.

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    As for eats this is where I enjoy the most. There is so much snacks and munchies to eat at the night market, everything from sweet to salty.

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    Many of them are made at the spot so the food is fresh and you can either eat while your walking around or sit at a table to eat as you wish.

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    I always like to start with something salty like Taiwanese fried chicken, dry noodles with meat sauce, squid balls, and then move to sweet stuff like candy coated fresh strawberries, sweet butter buns, and wash it all down with OG Taiwanese bubble tea.

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    It's really so hard to resist when you see the food in person. hahahahaha.

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    It seems like such a great place for family and friends just to hang out and enjoy food and games at a very affordable price. Everything is cheap individually, however as you keep on eating and playing games it for sure can build up too.

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    We all try to share food together as we walk around the path which looks like how we move around at Costco or IKEA.

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    What I think is so beautiful in Taiwan is that the people here are so nice as a community. It's hard to explain but I feel very safe here where ever I travel in Taiwan.

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    The vibe and hospitality of the people are very different than what I have experienced in other parts of the world. and THIS really makes me think and feel that "maybe its not a bad idea to think about settling here..." Its just a thought as of now, however it has been slowly growing inside me.

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    A birds eye view of the night market scene... I also created a giff to show it in action Jackson. :)


    What are night markets like in other countries? Feel free to share your comments or ask any questions. I only been around at night markets in Asia so it would be interesting to know what its like out there. The world is such a large and beautiful place... so much to explore... and eat. :)

    Thanks you all for viewing my post today. Step by step life blogging. Getting back in da game slowly but surely. More expat life experiences and inspirations coming up soon folks!

    It's Time to set da Tone!!!


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