Buying a toy for Harry (ENG/SPA)

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Presentación San Valentín Collage Rosa y Azul.jpg

    Hello, people of the Internet, everything OK? I am very happy as I was able to buy a toy for my little dog Harry

    Hola, gente de Internet ¿todo bien? Estoy muy contenta ya que pude comprarle un juguete a mi perrito Harry


    As you can see he is a puppy, he has too much energy and was already making a mess because when he doesn't play with Ron (our cat) he looks for something to play with and ends up dying the furniture, tablecloths, etc, so I went to buy him some toys to distract him.

    Como ven es un cachorro, tiene demasiada energía y ya estaba haciendo desastres debido aque cuando no juega con Ron (nuestro gato) busca con qe jugar y termina moriendo los muebles, manteles, etc, asi que fui a comprarle algun juguete que le sirviese de distracción


    In the shop there were several soft toys for puppies, and although they were beautiful, when I touched them I realised that they were very soft and that Harry would damage them very quickly, so I kept looking until I came across these chew toys; there were cactus and cherries. I chose a cherry

    En la tienda habían varios peluches para perritos, y aunque eran preciosos, al tocarlos me di cuenta que eran muuuy suaves y que Harry los dañaría muy rápido, asi que seguí buscando hasta que llegué con estos juguetes para mordisquear; habian cactus y cerezas. Yo elegí una cereza



    As soon as I arrived I gave him his toy and not only he liked it but also Ronald, so now they play together.

    Apenas llegué le di su juguete y no solo a él le gustó si no también a Ronald, asi que ahora juegan juntos


    And well, people, that's all for today's post, I hope you liked it. Thank you very much as always for supporting my work, I welcome new readers, I love you all very much, I send you a hug and I'll see you in another post.

    Y bueno, gente, esto ha sido todo por el post de hoy, espero que les haya gustado. Muchas gracias como siempre por apoyar mi trabajo, le doy la bienvenida a los nuevos lectores, les quiero mucho a todos, les envío un abrazo y ya nos encontraremos en otro post

    Copia de Morado Amarillo Negro Neón Ciencia Ficción Tutorial Miniatura Portada YouTube.jpg

    I made the cover and farewell image in Canva

    La imagen de portada y despedida la realicé en Canva.

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