Overcoming the trials of life | Superando las pruebas de la vida [ENG/ESP]

in voilk •  4 months ago


    🙂 Life is a gift package that is not asked for but has been there since we became a physical part of this universe. Things are not always as we would like them to be, the package comes with good, bad and hard surprises.

    Well, this week it was my turn to open a case of hard moments where I couldn't find any way out for days. However, the answer could not be to let myself be defeated, certainly one loses hope in the difficult situations of life, but you have to be calm, if you have faith, pray and remain confident that everything will turn out well.

    Behind the storm always comes calm and believe me, someone around you is always in a worse situation than yours, because everyone has their own burdens.

    🙏 Blessings liketeros


    🙂 La vida es un paquete de regalo que no se pide pero esta ahi desde que llegamos a formar parte fisica de este universo. No siempre las cosas son como la quisieramos, el paquete viene con sorpresas buenas, malas y duras.

    Pues esta semana me toco a mi abrir un estuche de momentos duros donde no encontraba salida alguna durante días. No obstante, la respuesta no podia ser dejarme vencer, ciertamente uno pierde las esperanzas ante las situaciones dificiles de la vida, pero hay que tener calma, si tienes fé, orar y mantenerte confiado en que todo saldra bien.

    Detras de la tormenta siempre viene la calma y creeme que siempre alguien que te rodea, esta con una situación peor que la tuya, porque cada quien, tiene sus propias cargas.

    🙏 Bendiciones liketeros

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