Building Wealth Brick by Brick: Insights into Modern Investments

in voilk •  3 months ago

    As time passes, the ways of earning money and losing money are also increasing. Nowadays, there are so many earning opportunities that it becomes impossible for you to invest everywhere and it is not even possible because if you belong to an industry like yours, now you will invest more there because you have a better idea about it and instead Yes, some people like to gamble and then invest anywhere, sometimes it is good to do so and sometimes it proves to be foolish. Nowadays, there are many methods of trading available but believe me, the more you talk to the more people will talk differently because so many Options available that you cannot even guess. Take the case of crypto only, this is where you get so many projects. It will become impossible for you to invest everywhere.


    You do not even need to go very far, if you are in Hive, then you can see how many projects are there, even though blogging is the easiest and most popular method, still apart from that, there are many things you can earn. Those who have been here for some time know this. I won't just talk about Hive in this post as there are many more where you can invest. Although nowadays everyone is very intelligent still many people spend unnecessarily and do not worry at all about their future and seeing this makes me very sad and for this reason, they have to face a lot of trouble later on. To tell the truth, some people do not even care about this thing, they just make others sad about their financial condition and this becomes their nature, but if you want that you do not become one of them, then you must do this. Read the blog till the end, I hope you will get something informative from here.

    Although there are many ways through which you can earn more money, today I will share some topics here, hope you will like them.

    Stocks -

    Yes, the stock is becoming my favourite investment these days because I have started investing here in the last few years and believe me the returns are also good. I invested in some stocks in August last year, and I have got almost 100%. I am very happy to see this. I am not selling any stock right now. I have made all the investments for the long term only. Now and then I keep picking up some stocks which I keep in my profit book. I sell it after doing this and it is a good strategy to increase my portfolio. I have heard this from many people. Some people in my office pick a particular stock book with a profit of 6 to 7% in it and seal it. And then they move to a new location where they repeat the same process and make profits. Yes, you will have to do a little research first about the place where you are investing because you do not waste your money anywhere without doing any investigation. After all, there are big investors in some shares and they waste people's money. Be careful and ignore low-volume shares because there are more chances to lose your money.

    Investing in stocks is a good investment step because if you are also doing good shares then you will get profit from there. Now keep investing for the long term and this will make a difference in your small efforts. Will not have to. Nowadays, there are many apps available in which you can select the option of buying shares weekly, daily or monthly and this is a very good way to automate your investment. Invest in shares where you think they will have a bright future or can prove to be good in the future.


    If you have noticed, the prices of gold have been increasing in the last few months and this is a good thing because in India, people take gold as an investment in any wedding where wearing gold jewellery is quite common. We may not be talking about other places but here this culture is very popular. Gold is seen as such an investment because as far as I have seen its graph seems to be increasing till now, yes the returns on it are not that high but still, you will not suffer any loss, hence it has increased a lot in the last few months and There are many options from which you can buy gold, you do not even need to buy physical gold, you can also buy gold through ETF by visiting the Indian Stock Exchange. There are many other apps in which you can buy daily digital gold. Yes, before investing, make sure to check all those things whether these apps are legal or not because if you invest in any app blindly. So perhaps your money may also be lost, so do some research before investing.

    Crypto -

    Yes, crypto is one of my favourites, you can say it is my favourite investment. Yes, I have not invested that much but I understand things here and I think that perhaps you will not get better profits than here anywhere else. You must have seen in the months since the launch of BTC ETF, that there has been a lot of excitement in the market, people are expecting that the next bull run will come after the halving, only time will tell, and that day will also come to you in a few weeks. Is about to come. But if you see, BTC has given very good returns in the last few months and if not some coins have also performed well. One thing I have understood here related to investment is that you can invest in any share or crypto, not get attached to anything, book your profit and just keep going. Yes, there are some projects that you cannot leave such as height, if you are investing or updating for trending purposes then you should not need to think too much, you can decide your minimum or maximum profit or loss. Make a target and book your profit or loss accordingly and don't think too much. If you are investing for the long term then you should do DCA or it is the best investment strategy and it also proves to be very effective, especially for long-term investment, in the short term it does not make much difference but in the long term, it makes a lot of difference.

    Property -


    Nowadays people everywhere are buying properties and this is a good way to invest money. If you are thinking of the long term, then if you want to make money quickly perhaps investing in property will not be a good strategy because If you have to sell your property urgently, then it becomes very difficult for you to get the rates you want. If you are investing with a long-term perspective, then investing in property is a very good and profitable way. You don't need to invest in a property popular place. You can also invest in some far-off district and become a guest house or home minister there. By doing this you can generate even a penny of income yourself. There are a lot of options After buying a property if you can leave it for a long term, then the value of your land will also increase in the future or you can put it on office rent if you have bought a ready-made property. So, there are many options available. You can rent your house online or put it on Airbnb. There are many options available. Overall, the thing is that if you are investing then your investment will not fail, it just depends. It makes a lot of difference in which location you have purchased the house and where you have purchased the property. As the prices of things are high, the prices of land are also increasing very fast and this is probably a good thing.

    Tools and Gadgets -

    Yes, if you are a professional, no matter what work you do, you should keep your gadgets and tools up to date, this will make a huge difference in your performance. Last year I had an old laptop, sometimes believe me it would take 1 hour to open and sometimes it became very frustrating for me but for some reason, I had to get a new laptop and after that, This problem of mine was solved in such a way that so much of my time was saved and I could finish and do the work more quickly. If you feel that buying a tool or gadget will save you time and make a difference in your performance, then you should invest in such things. You are a thing to show to people or to show off. I should not invest because a is the wrong way to waste your money. People who understand this thing do not do it and those who do not understand this do not waste their money. And keep talking. If you are a photographer and you think that getting a new camera will help you in taking good photos, then you should do so. Whatever tools you buy according to your profession, your performance will be affected by these things. I believe that you must invest. Doing this will make a difference in many things for you.

    Invest in yourself -

    Yes, this is the most important thing in investing in yourself. I am not saying that you should buy luxurious clothes for yourself or buy branded clothes for yourself. I don't mean this at all. Investing in yourself means that you take care of your health and do good things that help your body stay healthy ((mentally and physically). Although after Covid, people have become more conscious about their health and it is good to see that they are working on themselves, but still many people are not able to do so and this is very worrying. A matter of. You should work on yourself like reading good books and taking care of your health, avoiding junk food, sleeping and waking up on time. There are many things that you can start doing in your life, first do these things on small things, if you make some changes every day, then with time you will see that changes are coming in you and this is also necessary. If you want to change something in yourself. If you want to build a good body then you don't need to freeze, start doing a few pushups every day. It may seem a bit strange in the beginning but gradually when you start seeing the difference in your body, you will start enjoying it. And this is not in the case of empty exercises, it is in the case of everything. If you start doing something, the initial days are very boring but gradually you start enjoying it a lot.

    Please do share your suggestions, I am eagerly waiting for them.

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    see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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