SCABIES : Do you feel itchy at night?

in voilk •  4 months ago


    It is a parasitic infection also called "SEVEN YEAR ITCH ". It is a contagious infection cause by itch mite or sarcoptes scabiei.



    Symptoms include severe itching, rashes and superficial burrows on skin of hand. Host develop symptoms after 4 to 6 weeks of first contact to the parasite. This disease is contagious and spread to other family members also. During reinfection symptoms appear within 24 hours to 48 hours.
    Itching occurs expecially at night because itch mitch penetrate the skin at that time. It cause burrowing of skin expecially hand, wrist, axilla, thigh, buttocks,
    Waist, soles of feet, areolar, vulva in females, penis and scrotum in male. The portion above neck is not infected


    It is spread by relatively long period of direct skin contact with infected person. During sex and living together. Spread of disease may occur even if infected person has not developed any sign and symptoms. Crowded condition like joint family, area lack of facility of water. People having low immune symptoms are prone to develop this infection. It can speed by contaminated objects like pillows, clothes and things used by infected peoples



    SCABIES cause by sarcoptes Scabiei,a genus of skin parasite. Female tunnel into dead layer of epidermis called stratum cornium and lays eggs in the shallow burrows. Eggs converted into larvae in 3 to 10 dyas. Movement of mite in and on the skin produce severe itching and it is due to cell mediated response to the allergen. Condom is infective against its transmission.



    Symptoms are caused by allergic reaction of body to the itch mite. Allergic reactions are both immediate and delayed type of hypersensitivity and involve IgE antibodies. Lesion appear in fews days after infection.



    Classical sign is burrow made by itch mite. To find the burrows the suspected area is rubbed with tetracycline solution which grows under light. S shape pattern of burrow will appear on skin. Definite diagnosis is made by finding either
    Scabies mite or their eggs and fecal pellet. Microscopic examination can by done by using scrapings derive from skin of the infected person.


    Mass education about the spreading of itch mite should be done. Overcrowd environment is also a risk factor. Public hygiene should be maintained properly. Any source of infection should be control. Cloths, bed sheets and any thing use by the patient should be washed in warm water. Direct contact should be avoid with the patient of scabies. As we know prevention is better than cure. So we should adopt healthy and hygienic environment to control over this infective disease.



    There are several medications effective against scabies. Treatment should involve any person had been direct contact with the patient and all household and things used by the patient.
    To control itching antihistamine and anti inflammatory medications are very effective. Bed, clothes and towels should be washed in hot water for termination of scabies.
    Certain types of lotions are use for treatment of scabies effectively. These lotions are applied on whole body below the neck in the night time. This is very very effective treatment option

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