Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge Equalzer with Alric

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Equalizer Ruleset



    All unit start with the same health, based on the highest health on either team.

    Buffs and debuffs are done afterward - this impacts base health.

    Don't use high HP monsters and focus on high damage. Try to use a lot of monsters as well. Having a Tank Heal, Thorns, Triage for defense helps a lot.


    The Battle Ruleset


    Equalizer: The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.
    Armoured Up: All Monsters have 2 Armor in addition to their normal Armor stat.

    This is a middle mana ruleset game and three color is available to play, which is the Water, Life and Dragon Splinters. This Equalizer ruleset is amazing, because it will raise the health of all the monsters on the battlefield, which means that low mana monsters will be usable as well and do not need to worry about them dying quickly.

    The Armored Up ruleset will give two armor to all the monsters on the battlefield, which can be countered using a monster with the Rust ability or magic attack monsters. 😆


    My Team Composition


    Alric Stormbringer is my all time favorite summoner, because he cost only 3 mana and he gives plus one magic attack to all of his monsters and on top of that the Water monsters are one of the best in the whole game especially if you want to use magic attack monsters.


    I used the Torrent Fiend as my tank, because he cost zero mana, which is a must have in any fight, because he will be able to block one or two attack from the enemy team, which will give more time to my damage dealers.


    The Djinn Oshannus is one of the best Water monster, because he works as tank and a damage dealer as well.

    He is very good in this battle, because he has a lot of speed and the Void ability, which will make him very resilient against any magic attack monsters, while Alric will also boost his magic damage by one.


    The Crustacean King is my main healer for this battle. His mana cost is only three, therefore we can easily use him in any kind of battle. The extra heal for my high health monsters are amazing to give them much more time on the battlefield.

    He also has one ranged attack damage as well, which is quite rare amongst the healers.


    The Spirit Hoarder cost only three mana, which is nice and he has the Triage ability, which will heal the most damaged monster in my backline in every round in case if it is needed.


    The Venari Wavesmith is another great reward card, because he cost only 5 mana and he has two magic attack damage. His Protect ability will be additional with the Armored Up ruleset, so all of my friendly monsters will start the battle with four armor.


    The Ruler of the Seas is the absolut damage dealer, because he has one of the best ability in the game, which is the Blast. He cost only 6 mana and he has three magic attack damage, which will be increased by Alric further to four. The Blast ability means that he will damage the other two monsters as well next to his target.

    On level 2 he will receive the Swiftness ability, which means that he will increase the speed of all of his monsters by one to make them dodge more against the enemy melee and ranged monsters and to attack quicker in every round.


    The Battle


    Link to my battle:


    My opponent picked the same summoner like me, because he wanted to counter the Armored Up ruleset like me. Hopefully my team will be stronger than his.

    His tank had the Void Armor ability, which means that he is able to use his armor against my magic attacks, which is quite strong.

    In the first round I almost lost my Torrent Fiend, because my opponent had a lot of magic damage thanks to his Alric.

    In the second round my team killed their tank, but unfortunately his Hellondale resurrected him back to life with one health and eleven armor.

    Luckily my Djinn Oshannus had the Void and Phase ability, so he was quite effective against their magic attack monsters and as long as the enemy team was trying to kill him my team managed to kill their tank once again.

    The heal from my Crustacean, the Void on my Oshannus and his high speed prooved to be an amazing protection against the enemy magic attack monsters, which was able to manage the win for me.


    Do you like Equalizer? Why or why not?

    I like this ruleset, because using few low mana monsters especially in a low mana battle might easily change the outcome of the battle, because all the monsters will have the same amount of health. 😀


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