in voilk •  2 months ago

    Relationships plays a huge part in the quality of life a person lives. That's why quality relationships is one of the indispensables of life because life wasn't meant to be lived in separation or in isolation. One of the most important relationship one can have is that of good friends. The influence and impart of friendship can never be overemphasized and the more reason of carefully selecting one and not done frivolously.

    The is so much value that right friendship can bring and the more reason to celebrate the gift of men because we need each other at one point or the other. An adage says that: "Twenty children cannot play for twenty years", therefore, investment in quality and productive friendship is an ongoing thing. It is good to state here that to initiate and maintain quality friendships, one must be friendly aswell and ready to pay the price that friendship entails. A wise saying goes thus: "Show me your friend and i will tell you who you are", which means our circle of friends is a true reflection of who we are because it's difficult to attract who one is not.


    It is worthy of note to know that not everyone is a friend material. Choice of friends depends on mutual interests as it's not possible to be friend with someone with a conflicting interest. Therefore, mutual, shared interest is primary in choice of friendship as "it takes two to tangle" and "can two walk except they agree". In addition, another fundamental in choice of friendship is trust i.e. fidelity or loyalty. Not everyone is trustworthy and also, trust is built/proven overtime so as to know how genuine the friend is or else, one can be termed gullible. Infidelity and lack of trust stiffens friendship and hence, that's why not everyone is a friend material.

    Love is also another quality or core value to seek for in true friendship. It takes sacrifice, commitment and good understanding to be a person of love and also to make good friendship. Love is not superficial but intimate and hence reflected in intimate friendship which is exhibited in love. Love between friends can be so strong that they are mistaken for that of siblings because "there is a friend sticker than a brother". Aside from the intimate love between a husband and wife or that of a family, another intimate love that can exist is that seen in friendship.


    My personal experience of true friendship was when i had academic challenges during my undergraduate days in school some years ago, my friends were of help. Also, when i did my wedding ceremony last year, i got a major support from my friends home and away because of the togetherness we shared. This year, i embarked on a major professional studies which engulped alot but i remembered this my friend who was so helpful that he created an indelible mark I can't easily forget. Likewise, i too has been a good friend and friendly to many people in times past and till now that many still appreciate that impact till now.

    Therefore, quality friendship is an investment with each of the friends been an asset to each other and not a liability. Many has risen in life and reached the peak by been surrounded with quality and valuable friends while wrong friendship has pull down many. Love, trust, commitment, loyalty, mutual interest, right perception, honour and many other similar qualities marks the hallmark of what true friendship should be. Not everyone is a friend material but true friends are indispensable. Thanks for reading and comments, contributions and suggestions are highly welcomed.

    This is my participation post in #Juneinleo monthly prompt for day 01 by the #inleo. Check out this https://inleo.io/threads/view/leogrowth/re-leothreads-gjpcnuhb to get involved. @adedoyin-g, you are invited to join this initiative THUMBNAIL DESIGNED USING CANVA

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