The rain lashed furiously as he held his sister's bloody letter. The words he should never have ignored haunted him: “I feel like someone is watching me.... I'm afraid...”
Outside, police lights illuminated the crime scene. Inside, he stood motionless in her room, the murder knife clenched in his hand as the crumpled note burned in his pocket.
Tears of agony streamed down his face. If only he had listened to her.... His sister had sensed danger lurking in the shadows, but he did not believe her fears. And now she had paid the price.
Through the fogged window, a lone, motionless silhouette loomed in the distant forest, watchful. As if waiting.
A shiver ran down her spine. Was real danger still lurking? Had she been the victim of something more sinister than they imagined?
Doubt grew in his mind as the officers entered the room. Whatever the threat, he was determined to find her, even if he had to follow the trail of blood deep into the forest.