Vibes web3 music competition week 31 """How great is our God by Chris Tomlin""" //cover//

in voilk •  5 days ago


    Greetings beloved people of Vibes music community my name is Joseph and this week I will be covering a song title ""How great is our God by Chris Tomlin"" So sorry for my video not clear enough, my phone camera just develop issue that is getting me worried all day please you will bear with me. a big shout out to the great people the Admin @lordbutterfly and judges @verbal-d @silentscreamer. their doing a great and massive job in bringing vibes the best web3 platform in the world, I pray for greater heights.
    This Song has deep meaning expressing how great is our God how truly and faithful father he is to us, by the mention of his name every kneel shall bow before him because he is the king of Kings and the Lord of lord no one can compare to his glory on Earth. Thanks for coming around towards my post greater @vibesweb3musiccompetition.


    "How Great Is Our God"

    The splendor of a King
    Clothed in majesty
    Let all the earth rejoice
    All the earth rejoice

    He wraps Himself in light
    And darkness tries to hide
    And trembles at His voice
    Trembles at His voice

    How great is our God
    Sing with me
    How great is our God
    And all will see
    How great, how great is our God

    Age to age He stands
    And time is in His hands
    Beginning and the end
    Beginning and the end

    The Godhead Three in One
    Father, Spirit, Son
    The Lion and the Lamb
    The Lion and the Lamb

    How great is our God
    Sing with me
    How great is our God
    And all will see
    How great, how great is our God

    How Great Is Our God

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