Just few days ago i got this feeling that something aint right. It started with a feeling of weakness in the feet to almost having a numb hands and feet.
In short, i got sick and eveything became work. The loss of physical energy isnt the only loss you are faced with but you are also drained mentally. I couldnt even bring myself to write anymore, all i do all day is eat, take drugs and relax. Malaria is the word used these days for any slight illness. Well, i know this isnt malaria but rather me overworking myself since the beginning of the year.
The screentime has skyrocketed since then that i wonder how possible it is to spend more than x plus hours on a devive everyday. This type of life is definitely what i wont want to cotinue in the future which is why ivegot to do all i can now to get things right and in balance.
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