Yellow is the color of spring

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I take pictures of spring themes because spring doesn't last long.
    The trees blossom and leaf out, and the typical spring bloom is a matter of a few weeks.

    But it doesn't matter - the earth is rotating, and there is something beautiful in every season. Spring, however, has its own magic.

    Fotím si jarní motivy, protože jaro netrvá dlouho. Stromy odkvetou a obalí se listím, a typická jarní květena je záležitost několika málo týdnů.

    Ale to nevadí - Země se točí, a v každém období je něco pěkného. Nicméně jaro, to má své kouzlo.

    And only now, while writing, I noticed that my spring photos are dominated by yellow. So yellow is the color of spring?

    A až teď, při psaní jsem si všiml, že mi na jarních fotkách převažuje žlutá. Takže žlutá je barva jara?

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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