She is not a little girl anymore ~ The Walking Dead | Season 2

in voilk •  6 months ago

    Hello, people of the wonderful community. I hope you are doing well.



    Today, I will share with you guys the development of Clementine after she had to shoot Lee. The story is an extremely sad one, one that I didn’t see coming and now I understand why someone called me a “sweet summer child”. The progression of Lee and Clementine was unprecedented as they had started off well.


    Let’s start with today’s story.


    Months after travelling, Clementine grew close with Omid and Christa. And soon, they were going to have a baby of their own. They passed through the woods when they spotted a washroom. They stopped by for a quick refreshment but unfortunately for them they ran into a thief. She was a little girl that had shot Omid. Christa came out of the other side and killed the girl that shot him. And then, only Clementine and Christa remained.


    16 months after that incident, Christa had lost the baby. They were in the woods where rain was a common sight. Clementine went out to gather firewood. She came back to their camp only to find Christa being taken as a hostage. She didn’t give up on Clementine. Clementine tried to run away from there but she alarmed the guys by stepping on a twig. She ran as fast as she could and evaded the men that wanted to capture her and soon she fell into the river. That carried her far away from Christa and intruders. She made a friend that turned out to be a selfish beast that wanted all the food. When Clementine took some food away from the dog, it bit her. That’s how she got her first bite.


    She was very weak after the dog bit her. She was almost eaten up by a zombie if not for some guys running through the woods. They took her to their camp deep into the woods. The people there got paranoid once they saw Clementine was bit. She tried tor ell that it was a dog bite but they couldn’t risk it. There was a doctor among them and he promised to take care of her after she spends a night in confinement. Clementine agreed to it but after they had returned to their rooms, she decided to stitch her arm herself. So, she tried to find a way to sneak out and go inside the house. There, she met another girl about her age. She helped her get a bandage.

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