Campaign Update: DAB Weekly Operations Highlights | 040

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Goday Dadders. It's twenty-one hundred and this week's statistics have been generated and are ready to upload to the DAB trumps!


    What is @dailydab?

    DailyDab is an income token that rewards DAB token holders with a daily HIVE payout. There is no initial sale or pre-mining of DAB tokens, and the total distribution will happen through different tokens, starting with DBONDS.

    All the HIVE collected from selling DBONDS and other tokens will be used to power up the @dailydab wallet. This HIVE POWER generates a profit, which is used to fund growth and the daily DAB HIVE payout. As our project grows, the HIVE payout for investors will increase over time, making DailyDabs sustainable in the long run.

    Our goal is to create a complete HIVE ecosystem centred around Daily DAB, providing a daily HIVE payout. We plan for this project to operate and grow for many years. If you intend to be part of the HIVE community for a long time, consider earning a sustainable HIVE income.

    This project is a collaboration between @silverstackeruk of @spinvest and @raymondspeaks of @brofund. By participating, you not only benefit yourself but also contribute to the success of our ecosystems.


    Click here for full details about DAB & DBOND from its launch post




    This week has been pretty average with us minting 347 DAB into circulation. Our mintage number is around the same each week and because this is going into the ever-increasing circulating supply, its impact has less each week.

    Of course, this will change when we start to introduce new ways to mint DBOND and therefore more DAB. Now that DBOND is sold out, we are working on the next thing for DAB. We dont rush anything because releasing 4 things over 2 years is better than releasing 4 within 6 months, the crypto world is so fast-paced we sometimes forget the best way to build wealth is little and often over a long period of time.

    This weekly ADB mintage of 320-340 a week will be the case for another 4-8 weeks and then we'll see a jump 😉


    The total DAB in wallets is 10,233. This is not a huge number but to date, DAB has never traded for under 1 HIVE each and thats pretty amazing when we consider its only use case is to get a daily HIVE drip. You will understand when you see the last chart why 😁


    We've seen over the past few weeks more people opting to hold their DAB liquid to receive the daily HIVE drip instead of staking to receive the same amount as DBOND. As the price of HIVE continues to increase, I would not be surprised to see liquid holders increase further against staked holders.



    We can see the difference the 10% makes in payments. The total DAB drip pool this week is 284.44 HIVE. 156.87 HIVE goes toward daily HIVE drips to liquid DAB holders and 127.57 DBOND goes toward daily DBOND drips for staked DAB holders.

    The DAB drip pool increases every week and we are getting close to 300 HIVE. Currently, with only DBOND tokens sold, we are operating on a minimum speed. When we start to release new things, the pace will pick up. It's litery crawling, walking and then running. We're currently in the crawling stage and as with everything we release, the earliest investors (you) will be the ones that get rewarded the best. When DAB is pumping and the HIVE drip pool is over 500 HIVE a week, you'll already have your bag secured while others scamble to catch up and overpay on the market.

    At nearly 300 HIVE a week, its decent but it'll be better, thats a fact.


    1 more players this week compared to last week with 189 people now with a balance of over 0.01 DAB. We've been floating around the number for a while now and im waiting for us to hit 200 but the crypto gods are laughing and teasing us.



    Yeah, yeah another week and the same top DAB wallet last week are the same this week again. We can see at a glance that the top 2 holders both currently hold over 10% of the total DAB in circulation. As more things are introduced, this might change over time but they both own massive amounts of DBOND and they are paying the game very well. BTW, everyone's APY is the same so no matter if you own 10 DAB are 1000.


    1st Spot - @freecompliments with 1443 DAB
    2nd Spot - @dkid14 with 1089 DAB
    3rd Spot - @bulliontools with 650 DAB



    If we base DAB with a value of 1 HIVE each, it's current APY is 145%. Let me show you using @mapac who has 103 DAB. His last daily HIVE drip was for 0.408 HIVE, thats works out to 149.022 HIVE per year. 149 HIVE drips over a year for 103 DAB valued at 1 HIVE each equals a 145% APY.

    Of course, this all has to be taken with a pinch of salt because to get this APY, you need to mint are buy DAB each day to keep up with token inflation. If you do own DBOND and mint DAB, then the APY above applies to you and you are making a killing on your investment. Remember your DBOND is backed with 1 HIVE each = no risk on investment. DAB is your prize, you earn a 145% APY HIVE drip while you hold it and when you're done, you can sell them into the market for over 1 HIVE each based on current trades and there's your profit. Perfect.

    What else is 145% on HIVE? Yea, its dropping a little each week but still!


    Great week, we smashed it. I can always see alot of ways we could be doing things better but with time, we will iron out the creases and get earnings and HIVE drips increased.

    We sold of BDOND and the next step for us will be to release a curation account that will reward HP delegators with DBOND tokens. We will release 2 curation accounts, 1 will be public and open to all, this 1 will mint DBOND and the other will be for CLUB token holders only and this one will be more upovote related. If I had to give a timeline, I'd say between 4-6 weeks and we'll release both at the same time.

    I gave @raymondspeaks the week off and its been @silverstackeruk doing this weeks report. I hope you've enjoyed it and you'll have Ray back for next week 😁

    DAB OUT!!

    We salute your proactive involvement in reviewing this week's operational report and to staying informed about DAB's strategic advancements and operational successes.




    Follow @dailydab and dont miss out on new releases!!

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