Patience is the key

in voilk •  yesterday


    When someone tells you that everything is possible we have to take it with some precautions.

    Looking for external excuses for inner problems or limitations is the most obvious think to do.

    And humans do it without any intention of making it easy. At that moment it appears that the blame, guilt and cause is everywhere but in you...

    Live is a call for participation. We don't need to find justifications on the outside reasons.

    Everyone struggles with something. Off course that lives aren't as equal difficulty...

    Have you ever noticed that we are more happy in the other person happiness?

    That is the fact that we assume that happiness is in one point, and not in the mindset. Many different directions could be possible, but we think that only the one that are in our "dreams" is the only valid!

    We could never be so wrong about it.

    If we think in the pursuit of something awesome, the other million attempts that were maid weren't fulfilled... and even so they contributed to the final result.

    Let us be more prepared for having some grind and difficulties in our daily routines, and value more our patience in continuing the "walk".

    This set of photos were taken this morning when I was heading by foot to my gym. I know that I wouldn't be stronger after today's workout... but that after the recovery from today's routine, another chance of overcome myself could appear.

    Enjoy your weekend!

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