Social Dynamics...

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I've been giving considerable thought lately to the recession, the current bull market, and strategies for navigating it, as well as what might lie ahead in the years to come. While I must admit that my track record with predictions is far from flawless, I pride myself on being the type of person who formulates plans, makes decisions based on thorough analysis, and doesn't leave things to chance.

    There's an undeniable surplus of money coursing through the world's economies. Whether it's the substantial aid flowing to Ukraine or the "huge checks" being distributed to illegal immigrants by the US government, conversations about Universal Basic Income (UBI) are gaining traction.

    As the struggle to make ends meet becomes increasingly daunting for the average Joe, particularly when juxtaposed with the support received by certain demographics such as illegal immigrants, the demand for UBI is likely to escalate. Should the government fail to address this need, there's a genuine risk of widespread protests and strikes.

    The underlying rationale behind the leniency towards illegal immigrants in the US is widely speculated to be rooted in the Biden administration's apprehension about facing off against Trump in future elections. Consequently, there's speculation that granting voting rights to illegal immigrants could serve as a strategic move in influencing electoral outcomes.


    The internet presents a plethora of opportunities for the frustrated average Joe, albeit not in the form of instant gratification. Social media, in particular, has ushered in a new era of online earning potential, enabling many individuals with unconventional skill sets, who may not thrive in traditional academic environments, to flourish.

    Yet, despite the abundance of opportunities, few are willing to take the leap and fully commit. Many fail to grasp that success in content creation, whether on platforms like YouTube, Hive, or TikTok, is far from guaranteed and often necessitates significant investment in equipment and outsourcing.

    Reflecting on the previous bull market, I vividly recall sharing with friends that I was earning close to $2,000 a month from blogging (which lasted a couple of months near the peak). Some labeled me as lucky, which irked me to no end. How could anyone consider luck the result of over two years spent toiling away at blogging for meager earnings, only to finally achieve monetization?

    The same sentiment applies to successful YouTube channels and other digital ventures. Individuals earning seven figures annually aren't merely beneficiaries of good fortune; they're resilient, determined individuals who pushed the boundaries of their potential to achieve success. While some may argue otherwise, I maintain that it's often easier to hold down a regular job than to carve out a niche in the competitive landscape of social media.

    Just as building muscle mass requires time, dedication, and vision, success in the digital realm demands similar qualities—traits that are not necessarily emphasized in traditional employment settings. While there's certainly nothing inherently wrong with being a regular working person—I, for one, have occupied such a role for many years and may very well do so again—few vocations offer the level of financial autonomy afforded by the internet.

    Achieving success in this domain necessitates seizing opportunities, taking calculated risks, and persevering in the face of adversity. While the road may be long and arduous, the rewards are unequivocally worth the effort. With the bull market for altcoins teetering on the brink of unprecedented growth, many investors will be astounded by the surge in their portfolio valuations, yet only a select few will capitalize on this opportunity.

    Thanks for your attention,

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