Life Lately

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Dear lifestyle community, I have been meaning to explore you for weeks now. I have made a million mental notes to this effect; it’s not that I forget, I’m just wired in a way that leaves me thinking more about something I should be doing instead of doing them. I know, it’s an illness, but aren’t we all plagued with something?

    Anyways, I want to start documenting little bits of my life here and also share in your experiences too. There are content I struggle with finding the right community for - like my workout and exercise routine; I hope this place will be the right fit. And should I be found sharing the wrong content due to an oversight in context, I’m happy to be corrected with love. Please don’t yell at me. Thank you! ❤️

    Lately, life has been mindful and fulfilling. This year, myself and I came to an agreement to be more present and intentional with every detail of our life; and I am proud at how well we are doing. I have been working hard to mind what I feed to my body, mind, and spirit.

    White Cabbage, Red Cabbage, and Lettuce. (Did you know there are over twenty different types of cabbages?)

    When it comes to my meals, I’m not on a strict diet as that would be too much for my free-spirited mind to manage, but I am choosing healthier options and eating more vegetables. I still consume processed foods especially in form of drinks because I always have to have a beverage. But, I also make green juices and some natural detox drinks which I’m happy to share with you in the future.

    Shoes and Dumbbells

    I am quite the fitness enthusiast who more often than I care to admit, would fall off the training wagon but, I am never ashamed to pick myself up and hop back on. This is week three of resuming working out at the gym and I’m loving it. The people at the new gym are great and I already have a couple friends.

    Now Reading

    Spiritually, I have embarked on a challenging journey. It isn’t me if I’m not constantly pushing my bounds and finding new ways to stimulate myself and stay connected to my highest self. There’s so much power at our disposal, and I’m always open to the universe steering me in the direction that pushes me to dig deep and connect.

    Flowers, to color your world 🥰

    I keep to myself a lot lately. I no longer have a best friend with whom I share every detail or ask their opinions on decisions I want to make. But, I’m okay. My counsel has always proven effective and we are doing great. One thing I know life will never deny me is good people. I have the best ones in my corner and it brings me joy to light up their lives in any little way.

    Thank you for stopping by. Life is amazing. ❤️

    Follow me on my blog atyourservice

    All photos shared are mine and mine alone. 😌

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