Confección de Lindo Blusón Estampado 💙🩵💙 Making of Cute Printed Blouse

in voilk •  4 months ago

    🌸Hola Comunidad HIVE🌸

    Hello HIVE Community


    Feliz día amigos de @needleworkmonday, que esta semana este llena de muchas cosas lindas para todos. Yo continuo muy animada creando atuendos para mi tía. En este caso el tipo de tela y la cantidad me pusieron a pensar, ya que era rígida y solo 70 cm. Como les dije mi tía es muy sencilla no le gusta lo ostentoso y me dijo que si no alcanzaba la tela que le hiciera una tipo franelilla y yo negada a eso.

    Happy @needleworkmonday friends, may this week be full of beautiful things for everyone. I continue to be in high spirits creating outfits for my aunt. In this case the type of fabric and quantity got me thinking since it was stiff and only 70 cm. As I told you my aunt is very simple, she doesn't like ostentatious things and she told me that if I didn't have enough fabric I should make her a flannel type and I refused to do that.


    Encontré este modelo tipo blusón ya que tiene mangas corridas que me pareció perfecto y ahorramos mucha tela o para estos casos que la tela es poca. Solo corté dos piezas una delantera y una trasera, las cuales uní por los hombros.

    I found this blouse type model, since it has long sleeves, which I thought was perfect and we save a lot of fabric or for these cases when the fabric is scarce. I only cut two pieces, one in the front and one in the back, which I joined at the shoulders.


    Luego para romper un poco con tanto estampado tomé un poco de la tela del suéter azul que le había hecho y le coloqué un poco en cuello y final de mangas. Cosí por costados he hice ruedo.

    Then to break up the pattern I took some of the fabric from the blue sweater I had made and put some on the collar and sleeve ends. I sewed on the sides and made the hem.





    Así quedó este lindo blusón, rápido y fácil de hacer pero que luce muy bonito.

    This is how this cute blouse turned out, quick and easy to make but looks very pretty.

    Estuve feliz con las dos prendas que pude hacerle a mi tía porque fueron diseños que se que le gustaran, porque son actuales pero respetando su estilo para que se sienta cómoda al usarlas. Espero les guste este modelo y que les sea útil en sus proyectos. Saludos y nos leemos pronto.
    I was happy with the two garments I was able to make for my aunt because they were designs that I know she will like, because they are current but respecting her style so that she feels comfortable wearing them. I hope you like this model and that it will be useful in your projects. Greetings and see you soon.

    🌸🌸🌸🌸Fotos de mi Propiedad, tomadas con un Redmi 9🌸🌸🌸🌸

    Photos of my Property, taken with a Redmi 9

    pie depagina.png

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