Party And Seaweed

in voilk •  3 months ago

    My weeks, continue to be busy and now also my weekends. There is plenty for me to catch up with, at my home and now I have decor to make for the upcoming Love Pirates festival. I went from joining the decor team, to now heading it, as the main creator had to pull out due to ill health. Which is totally understandable, we should always put our health first. The festival is happening in less than two weeks and there is a lot to do still, as most of the decor, was being provided by the person who had to pull out, so we have to get creative.


    I went out last night, as it was a friends birthday. It was a pretty epic party, more like a mini festival really, with a food tent, bar and main stage, as well as a rig, where there was lots of aerial shows. I live in a place, where lots of people here, know how to put on a party, who really know how to have fun. Lots who have put created different stages, at different festivals in Europe, so the decor and sound is always good. I'm always amazed at how much effort is put in for a one day party, but then again, setting it up and taking it down, is really a big part of the party itself,


    Last night, the theme was disco and the hosts didn't disappoint. There was a little too much disco for me, but it was fun. I love to dance and really I can dance to anything, but there are some genres I enjoy more than others. There was also a few dance performances as well. I was too busy watching them to take any photos. But I did take a few of the aerial shows.


    My middle daughter, goes to aerial classes, so I wanted to take some photos to show her, but also because one of my other friends was part of that show, That's her above, on the silks. She was amazing. There were five different performers, on the hoop, silks and trapeze. They all put on a wonderful show. It's something I¡ve always wanted to try, maybe one day I will.


    So I had a bit of a late night, coming home just after two, when my girls were all fast asleep in their beds. I got a little bit of a sleep in this morning. Then after some late breakfast, me and my girls started to make some seaweed, for the festival. I mean you can't have pirates, without seaweed, they kind of go hand in hand, well they do for this festival. II'm thinking to have it hanging at the entrance, so you have to part it to enter and it all so hides the festival, from the outside.

    It was super east to make, but unfortunately it involved plastic, black plastic bags to be exact. But hopefully we will get a few years use out of them. There was a lot of cutting and stretching involved. This coming week, I'll be making octopus tentacles, out of chicken wire and paper mache. I got a few people to help, as I reckon it will take a while. I hope to share tat with you all. But for now I leave ye with the seaweed.

    All the photos used, were taken by me.

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