Celebrating a Special day

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hi, good day everyone! I am Elaiza here again for another blog.

    On April 30, we went to the beach to celebrate the birthday of the mother of my best friend, which is celebrated earlier because her daughters will be back at work, and this day is the only day to celebrate with a complete family. It was 10 a.m. when we arrived at the beach. The resort is located in San Remigio, Cebu. If you want to visit these beautiful beaches, you can do so. Anyway, we had arrived at Cultural, and it was so perfect because a lot of people went to the beach. That day was two days after the holy week, when people usually go to the beaches. I know that this is too late to publish because this happened on March 30, but that is because my charger broke down, and unfortunately, it took days after I got a new charger, so that is why I am here again to post another blog, and I am so happy. Anyway, let us continue that day of the birthday celebration before we are categorized away. So it was such a nice experience because once again we ruined my childhood best friend because, as I shared in my last blog, I am currently living far from them. These are the pictures of the beach, where you can see a lot of people.


    It was so hot, but when you go to the water, it's so cold. It's amazing. After a few minutes of arriving, Auntie Judy told us to cook the pork. As a very nice person, hahahaha, charot, we did cook the pork. Of course, we were just like a family because, yeah, we have been best friends with her daughter since birth, and yes, that is true. We have been best friends since birth. All of my life, I have been a best friend to her daughter, and vice versa. So this is the picture of us cooking.


    And of course, after everything, the most important thing should not be forgotten, and that is eating. Of course, all of us cannot survive without eating, but unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of us while eating, but I did take a picture after eating.


    and this is a smile of success after eating yummy foods. And after we ate, we waited for the sun to go down because it was so hot. My gosh, I cannot handle the hotness of the earth. Hahahahahaha. I am so sorry, guys, forgive me. And so after waiting, we went swimming, and it was so cold. I loved it.

    And thats it, guys. That is all for today's blog. I can feel that I am really a bloger, but I am still a bit rusty.
    that all guys, baby, may God bless you always.

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