BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! <->Fog Of War<->

in voilk •  3 months ago



    Salutations, esteemed members of the Splinterlands and Battle Mages community! It fills me with great excitement to rejoin you in the thrilling realm of strategy and magic. Today marks my triumphant return to the fray, wielding my main account as I demonstrate my skills and tactics. Let us embark on this epic journey together, where each card played and every maneuver executed brings us closer to victory. Join me as we forge bonds of camaraderie and revel in the excitement of our shared adventure. Prepare yourselves for an unforgettable match as we unleash the might of my alternate prowess and delve deeper into the heart of the game. Together, let us make this battle a testament to our skill and determination. May fortune smile upon us, and may our triumphs echo through the ages!




    28 MANA CAP


    Noxious Fumes
    All units are Poisoned at the start of the game.
    - Units with Immunity are not poisoned.
    - This is a one-time application - units that are Cleansed, Resurrected or Rebirthed will not be re-applied with poison.
    - Enrage is triggered by Poison application.


    Fog of War
    All units lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities.
    - Scattershot still works in this ruleset.


    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-{[LINE UP]}-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+


    Kindly click the image above to see the actual battle!


    Summary of the battle:

    In a match that unfolded swiftly over just four rounds, victory was achieved through a strategic combination of Qoura's cunning and the sacrificial prowess of martyr abilities. With a keen understanding of the battlefield dynamics and the unique strengths of each card at my disposal, I leveraged Qoura's strategic foresight to anticipate my opponent's moves and position my forces advantageously.

    As the match unfolded, Qoura's abilities allowed me to predict my opponent's strategy with remarkable accuracy, enabling me to preemptively counter their maneuvers and seize control of the battlefield. With each carefully chosen move, I strategically positioned my cards to maximize their effectiveness, setting the stage for a decisive victory.

    The turning point came when I strategically deployed martyr abilities at critical junctures, sacrificing certain units to protect and empower others. By leveraging the sacrificial nature of these abilities, I was able to absorb enemy attacks and redirect their momentum, turning their strength against them and leaving them vulnerable to swift and decisive strikes.

    Through meticulous planning and strategic execution, I was able to maintain a commanding presence on the battlefield, outmaneuvering my opponent at every turn and securing victory in just four rounds. The combination of Qoura's foresight and the sacrificial tactics of martyr abilities proved to be an unstoppable force, paving the way for a triumphant conclusion to the match.




    Lobb Lowland, revered within the Splinterlands as a master of the earth's might, emerges as a stalwart and commanding presence on the battlefield. Hailing from the rugged and untamed Lowlands, this summoner harnesses the raw power of the earth to bolster and fortify their allies, turning the very terrain into a formidable weapon against their foes.

    At the heart of Lobb Lowland's strength lies their deep connection to the earth itself. With a mere gesture, they can manipulate the very ground beneath their feet, raising mighty earthworks and conjuring barriers of stone to shield their allies from harm. Their mastery over the elements is unparalleled, and their command over the earth imbues their followers with unwavering resilience and strength.

    This summoner will allow the user to use one gladiator card and minus one speed all enemy monsters.


    Front Monster: HILL GIANT


    Hill Giant, a towering behemoth within the Splinterlands, emerges as a formidable force on the battlefield, wielding brute strength and sheer size to dominate his adversaries. Born from the rugged mountains and sprawling hills of the realm, the Hill Giant commands respect and strikes fear into the hearts of his foes with his imposing presence and unparalleled might.

    At the core of Hill Giant's strength lies his sheer physical prowess. With each thunderous step, he shakes the ground beneath him, instilling terror in those who dare to stand against him. His massive fists can crush stone and shatter armor with ease, delivering devastating blows that leave opponents reeling and broken.


    Second Monster: FUNGUS FLINGER


    Fungus Flinger, a cunning and versatile entity within the Splinterlands, emerges as a strategic force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Born from the dark and damp depths of the forest floor, the Fungus Flinger commands both the power of nature and the ingenuity of fungal growth to confound and overcome its adversaries.

    At the core of Fungus Flinger's strength lies its mastery over fungal spores and mycelium. With a flick of its spindly appendages, it can launch volleys of toxic spores at its enemies, poisoning them and weakening their resolve. These fungal projectiles spread disease and decay, sapping the strength of foes and leaving them vulnerable to further assaults.

    - When this Unit dies, adjacent Units get +1 to all stats.


    Third Monster: QUORA TOWERSHEAD


    Quora Towershead, a formidable guardian within the Splinterlands, emerges as a stalwart defender and strategic tactician on the battlefield. Born from the ancient towers that dot the landscape of the realm, Quora commands both the power of stone and the wisdom of ages past to safeguard its allies and thwart its enemies.

    At the heart of Quora Towershead's strength lies its mastery over defensive tactics and strategic positioning. With its towering stature and formidable presence, it serves as a steadfast bulwark against enemy assaults, absorbing blows with unyielding resolve and shielding its allies from harm. Its stone-carved visage strikes fear into the hearts of foes, deterring them from approaching too closely and giving its allies room to maneuver.

    Bloodlust - Every time this Unit defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats.
    Heal - Restores a third of the max health to this Unit's health each round.


    Fourth Monster: VENARI MARKSRAT


    Venari Marksrat, a sharp-eyed marksman within the Splinterlands, emerges as a formidable force on the battlefield, wielding deadly accuracy and precision to strike down its foes from afar. Born from the shadows of the forest and trained in the art of stealth and marksmanship, the Venari Marksrat commands respect and instills fear in the hearts of its enemies with its unparalleled skill and cunning tactics.

    At the core of Venari Marksrat's strength lies its mastery over the bow and arrow. With a keen eye and steady hand, it can unleash volleys of arrows with deadly accuracy, picking off enemies from a distance with swift and precise strikes. Its arrows find their mark with unerring precision, piercing through armor and flesh alike to deliver devastating blows to its adversaries.

    - When this Unit dies, adjacent Units get +1 to all stats.


    Fifth Monster: URAEUS


    Uraeus, a formidable serpent within the Splinterlands, emerges as a fearsome force on the battlefield, wielding venomous strikes and deadly cunning to overwhelm its adversaries. Born from the depths of ancient jungles and revered as a symbol of primal power, the Uraeus commands respect and instills fear in the hearts of its enemies with its deadly fangs and relentless ferocity.

    At the core of Uraeus's strength lies its mastery over venom and agility. With lightning-fast strikes and lethal precision, it can inject its enemies with potent venom that courses through their veins, weakening them and sapping their strength with each passing moment. Its serpentine form allows it to slither and strike with unmatched speed and agility, evading enemy attacks and delivering devastating blows with ease.

    Mastering strategic anticipation is essential for triumph. While thorough preparation, including careful selection of summoner and monsters, offers an advantage, victory is never certain. However, in this case, skilled foresight decisively secured triumph. Persistent and thorough planning remains the most reliable path to success.


    There goes my entry for this week. Hope you liked it. Thank you once again for visiting…Till next time. Stay safe always...and have fun battling.
    I look forward to seeing you soon in the upcoming challenge.


    Join us in the never-ending battle. Hope to be seeing you battling with us someday soon.
    Join this great Discord community where everyone is special, especially the generous founders, seeks to improve one another's life.


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