Giving out able hands to those that needs it.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Ntan Mbat in Ibiono Ibom is a unique and special village with a rich cultural heritage and natural resources. The people of Ntan mbat are hardworking, resilient, and proud of their community. I am proud to call Ntan my hometown, and I hope that its culture and resources will continue to thrive for generations to come.

    One of the unique things about Ntan is its harvesting palm fruits. The village is blessed with natural deposits, which the people have been harvesting for generations. The palm oil is used for cooking, manufacturing soap, and for other purposes. The palm oil harvesting is a major source of income for the people of Ntan, and they are a symbol of the village's resilience and resourcefulness.

    Today I will be gisting you on a story of one of my village friends who found love at the act of doing what she knows best.

    I remember one particular day when we were rehearsing for a cultural dance competition. My friends and I had been practicing for weeks and we were all excited to showcase our skills. As we danced, the rhythm of the drums and the sound of our feet hitting the ground filled the air. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

    As we danced, I noticed a young girl standing at the edge of the crowd, watching us with keen interest. She looked shy and hesitant, but I could tell that she was drawn to the music and the movement. I approached her and asked if she wanted to join us.

    At first, she hesitated, but eventually, she agreed.From that day on, the young girl became a regular member of our dance group. She was a quick learner and soon became one of the best dancers in our community. I was proud of her and happy that I had been able to help her discover her talent.

    but she struggled with forming deeper connections. People often saw her as just a dancer, and it was difficult for them to see beyond that.
    However, as she grew older, I realized that dancing had given her more than just popularity. It had taught her discipline, perseverance, and the ability to express myself through movement. These qualities helped her in various aspects of her life, including her education and career.

    Moreover, dancing also provided her with a sense of confidence and self-assurance. The physical strength and flexibility she gained from dancing made her feel empowered and comfortable in her skin. This newfound confidence allowed her to approach new people with ease and engage in meaningful conversations.

    While it is true that some men may be attracted to women who can dance, it is important to remember that attraction goes beyond just physical abilities. True connections are built on shared values, interests, and emotional compatibility. So, while dancing may initially catch someone's attention, it is ultimately the depth of a person's character that determines the longevity of a relationship.

    Kindly share your told on the comment session as I draw the cotton to an end.
    See you in the next post.

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