
in voilk •  3 months ago

    If you're here to find about the history or a heap of facts about a place, that's not what I write about. I can tell you a few things I personally found interesting, but you're probably better to go to the internet to find the in depth details. Besides, I'm hiving on my phone with limited internet on the road, and do you know how darn DIFFICULT that is?!!


    Besides, these photos speak for themselves. Narrow streets. Colourful market stands. The hustle and bustle of a port town alive with trade and tourism.


    The old medina provided shelter from the wind thank goodness. We were getting sandblasted on the esplanade seafront where we parked. Motorhomes aren't allowed on the seafront or in the old town anymore, but you can park at a Carrefour just outside town and get a cab in. We parked just beside a few kite boarders who were taking a chance with the gusts of Storm Nelson. It's very popular with kiters but there's also surfing, horse riding and other sports.


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    The wild Atlantic was battering the rocks just outside the Portuguese built ramparts - 16th century, perhaps? They'd abandoned the place, unable to defend themselves from invaders from inland.


    Piles or herbs on baskets declared cure for gout or an aid to sex lives. Seni sweet pastrys and fresh orange juice. Piles of olives. We bought harrissa, a salty chilli paste I have some addiction too. I like Moroccan food. It's simple and unadorned. Olives provide salt - it's not added to the meal. Some argue it's bland. It's not. It's just not hell salty or sugary. It feels real.



    For lunch we have tagine. It takes ages as they make it from scratch. Desert men play desert music and ask for coins. Cats steal chairs in the sunshine. There are many cats here. No wonder - the fish market is a cat's dream.


    It's famous for sardines, Morocco - in fact it's one of it's biggest exports. We eschew trying them because we don't like them, though there's something alluring about eating something fresh off the boats.


    We wander for a few hours, window shopping, admiring doors, eating, staying out of the wind. It's a beautiful place, but I didn't feel I needed more than a day. It felt a little touristy for me with day trippers coming down from Marrakech to buy leather bags and ceramics.


    Still, I'd come back here - it truly is a gem of Morocco.

    With Love,


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