My Actifit Report Card: March 31 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I woke up this morning at my daughter's family's house. I intended to get up at the usual time and do my end of month reports, but I was so tired I slept in. When I awoke, I joined my wife, daughter, and son-in-law in watching my granddaughter hunt Easter eggs.

    After watching Hawthorne playing with their dog Champ, my son-in-law and I made a breakfast run.

    After breakfast, I drafted one of my end of month reports, then we got ready for church.

    Theresa and I attended church with the daughter and her family. After church, we went back to the house to feed the dogs and take them outside. Then we went to lunch.

    After lunch, the daughter gave us several baby toys and baby items for Theresa and I to transport to Pennsylvania next month when we go. Our oldest granddaughter has a baby due in September.

    Once the items were loaded into our van or on the rack in the back, we drove home. We dropped in to say hello to my parents, then I unloaded the van and fed Hawthorne. Afterwards, I played with Hawthorne a few minutes and spent an hour-and-a-half creating my reports.

    I ended the day with more than 8,000 activity points.

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Play with kids/grand kids, Shopping, Walking

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