Importance of basic first aid knowledge cannot be overemphasized.

in voilk •  3 days ago

    Hello, everyone.

    Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. I read on Twitter the other day how it is important to teach children from elementary school how to administer first aid before the arrival of a professional, and I could not help but agree more. During my high school days. We almost lost a student. She had a seizure and not even a single student had an idea what to do Instead we were all screaming and panicking, if not for the intervention of a teacher, the story would have been different. Not even a single student went close, we all kept a distance and kept shouting.

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    Reading about the importance of basic knowledge of first aid and remembering this incident helped convince me of how important it is to have basic knowledge of first aid. Even if there is no intensive knowledge of it, at least know certain things you can do to help an injured person or someone having a seizure, that way you get to save a life. Schools shouldn't be all about academic and theoretical aspects of first aid. Practical classes on how to carry out successful CPR and maybe stop bleeding should be given to children from a tender age, and they get to grow up with it.

    I have had countless experiences where, instead of offering help to the patient or someone suffering an attack or illness, everyone around starts to panic and only goes about screaming while the person struggles. The importance of basic first aid knowledge is important, and it is something every individual should have an idea of, as no one knows when it will come in handy. Growing up with my mom who used to be a nurse, I got to learn a few things one can do to arrest house accidents as well as what one can do if they happen. Sometimes I wish she had taught us everything, but it's not possible she only shared what she felt we would need.

    Accidents can occur while cooking, cleaning and carrying out chores around the house. Mom did well to put us through what can be done in case anything happens when she is not around, and we learned quite first. As a kid I looked forward to actually practicing all that I have been taught, and I did get my chance to actually practice what I was taught countless times, as kids' knife cuts and burns from either hot water or food are normal for us, so I did get the chance to practice what I was taught majorly on cuts.

    The one first aid I administered and till date I feel proud of myself was for my elder sister. While slicing vegetables, she accidentally cut her hands as well and it was quite deep. She panicked, but not me. I have waited for this moment for so long 😂. Helped rinse the hand, cleaned it up with clean clothes as I tried tracing the exact place she cut herself. We have bandages at home, so after cleaning, I added gentian violet (GV), then used the bandage to apply pressure on the cut, and after sometime the bleeding stopped. Until mom came back home and redressed the wound, I kept looking at her hand and feeling proud of myself.

    Thanks for reading my post.

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