The Soundtrack of Misery: Chompimg Away at My Sanity

in voilk •  5 months ago
    All sounds are good for the soul and the heart, provided they are listened to in the right spirit.- Pythagoras

    Have you ever sat by someone’s who’s eating and you get so irritated you want to punch them in the face? It happens to me most often and I really don’t understand why. The best way I am able to control myself is to be away from people who are eating.


    I’d like to believe I’m suffering from misophonia because tell me why some sounds triggers me instantly. Don’t get me wrong. I love music so much and I can’t even go a day without playing one or two songs but just let someone even breathe so close to my ear and all hell will break lose.

    I read a few days ago about how misophonia is being considered as a mental disorder. Hell, if this counts as a mental disorder then count me in but the good thing is, I’m black so we mostly don’t pay much attention to such stuff.😂 I can mention a billion and one sounds that irritate me to the point of death but the one that tops the list is sounds made from people chewing.

    Growing up, I would always fight with my siblings anytime they’re eating. No matter how silently they eat, I am still able to hear them chew like they’re in my head. When I complain, all they would say is I should cover my ears if I think they’re loud. Once, I got so irritated I hit my sister on the mouth and she got hurt. I really felt bad later on but it actually wasn’t intentional, it just happened.

    Fast forward to the university, I used to always complain about how my roommate was loud when eating and we sometimes would even quarrel about it.😂 I know it’s actually not a big deal to most people because they don’t really care about all these sounds but for me, it affects me in ways you can’t imagine. Sometimes it’s rude to confront people about such stuff so I just keep mute and find ways to distract myself.

    Anytime I see someone eating and chomping on the food, I’m like what’s wrong with this person and disappear as fast I can before someone’s mouth gets burst.😂 I know it might sound funny or unusual to you but that’s my reality. In order not to have problems with me, just stay far away from me when eating and we’d be good to go. This is the story of my life.
    Does anyone else experience this or I’m alone in this?

    All images belong to me unless stated otherwise.

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