Spring Hearts

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    After a hard day at the office, Jonathan heads to the coolest coffee shop in the city. He is finally going to meet Susan in person, with whom he has had a business relationship for a couple of months. Between orders and price adjustment discussions, they also slipped in conversations about very similar interests. So much so, that they no longer discuss prices, they take them for granted, where both win.

    The traffic is hellish, so he decides to walk down the avenue. It's two blocks at most, and when he looks at his shiny watch, he confirms that he has enough time. He takes advantage of the large clock face to see himself in the reflection. His hair is neat, and he even sees the shine of the crystals on his expensive glasses. He wants to make an excellent impression, he knows very well that the first impression is very important.

    At the newsstand, they also sell bouquets of flowers. He stopped and considered the ridiculousness. He saw himself giving her, the combative businesswoman, those beautiful red roses. Would she take it as cheesy and outdated? But even so, he bought them, following his instinct, what did he have to lose by being gallant on the first date?

    He hurried up and entered the coffee shop. The waiter, seeing him, led him to the corner, where the table he usually occupied was. This time, the waiter placed a jug of fresh water for the beautiful red roses.

    Jonathan looked at his Swiss watch again, and when he looked up, he saw her for the first time as the waiter led her to the table. He stood up at once and extended his hand to greet her, but she approached with decorum and gave him a subtle kiss on the cheek.

    "Hello, Jonathan. It's so nice to finally meet you!”

    "The pleasure is mine." He replied, while evaluating her in the same way she was doing him.

    The waiter interrupted them to offer them something to drink.

    "What would you like to drink?”

    "How about a cappuccino to start?”

    "Of course, Miss Susan." With a gesture he said to the waiter: "Please bring us two large cappuccinos.”

    "Please, call me Susan. We're already on a first-name basis. I feel like I've known you all my life." She replied, as she settled into the chair.

    She thought, "He's not bad at all, better than I imagined." He did the same, but he judged her a bit plump. However, she was curvy and taller than expected. Even with those heels, she was as tall as him.

    "What beautiful flowers!”

    "I bought them especially for you.”

    The blush ran through those cheeks after the makeup, and a flash resurfaced from those brown pupils.

    "Here are your cappuccinos." The waiter interrupted with a smile.

    The foam on the surface of both white cups with gold threads drew a pair of hearts pierced by an arrow. Not for nothing was that coffee shop called "Hearts of Spring”.

    They laughed and the date went by in a fun way with snacks until midnight. The cappuccinos were replaced by fine glasses of sparkling wine. When it was time to say goodbye, he offered to drive her home, but she smiled and refused, her driver was waiting for her on the other corner.

    "No, not today. Maybe next time! I guess there will be another one." She smiled again with a mischievous glint as she smelled the flowers.

    "Of course, Susan. I'm already looking forward to that moment.”

    "How about next week, and we can take advantage of it to finalize the details of the pending order.”

    "As you say... I couldn't agree more. Although in truth, that, take it for granted.”

    They both knew that excuses were unnecessary, but they still filled the moment.

    She brought her lips close to his, until they brushed against each other. A spark, an electrostatic release, surprised them. Neither of them had experienced it before that moment. Perhaps it would be the growing fire of two hearts in spring, and the prelude to something special.

    The end


    Original fiction by @janaveda was written in Spanish and translated to English with https://gemini.google.com/ (free version)

    Cover image made by me in Keynote

    Note: I edited the text assisted by the web version of Grammarly after a reading in English: an excellent way to polish reading and writing skills

    Thanks for reading me. I hope this fiction is to your liking. I would very much like to read your comments in this regard to enrich myself with your criticism.

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